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Electromagnetic Mind control
Disclaimer: I have serious reservations about posting the article called "Total Population Control" found below.
The first reason is because Andrija Puharich is referred to, and he was an extremely questionable character. He is similar to other dubious types such as Dr. Steven Greer, Ingo Swann, Courtney Brown, Timothy Leary, and Thomas Bearden. You really can't trust these guys.
It seems that some of them are aware that they are spreading disinformation, while others are sincere but are being used as "assets". Or maybe they were really brilliant guys and going down the rabbit hole just screwed them up too much. Sometimes they are sort-of in-the-military, but also sort-of not in-the-military.
Sometimes they are actually being duped and used by nonhuman entities. Andrija Puharich was influenced by such entities. These beings have many names: aliens, spirits, Etherians, Extraterrestrials, etc. I refer to them as the Jinn. Modern humans tend to assume that these guys come from other planets because the entities sometimes pretend that this is the case and also because modern beliefs have been shaped by a philosophy of materialism (the view that everything that actually exists is material or physical) We expect to be able to see "everything real" with our own eyes and can't accept that some entities may exist outside the parameters or dimensions of human sight.
In the case of Andrija Puharich these jinn entities called themselves "The Nine".
The jinn which interact with humans are often shadowy trickster types, and the best approach is to avoid them and distrust any claims they make which can't be duplicated or proven.
The so-called "E.T.'s" mentioned in the article below were undoubtedly jinn and not from other planets. They fit a typical profile of a Jinn character type. For more on the true nature of these entities see .
The second reason is because there is no such thing as a "pendulum expert".
I have reservations about posting this article, but do so because many aspects of it are fascinating and may encourage further investigation. ~~Lydia
Total Population Control
An overview of the ELF, GWEN towers, and HAARP inter-connection.
By Nicholas Jones From
Earth is wrapped in a donut shaped magnetic field. Circular lines of magnetic flux continuously descend into the North Pole and emerge from the South Pole. The Ionosphere, an electromagnetic-wave conductor, 100 kilometers [62 miles] above the earth, consists of a layer of electrically charged particles acting as a shield from solar winds.
Earth Resonant Frequency
Natural waves are created which result from electrical activity in the atmosphere. They are thought to be caused by multiple lightning storms. Collectively, these waves are called 'The Schumann Resonance', with the strongest current registering at 7.8 Hz. These are quasi-standing [scalar], extremely low frequency (ELF) waves that naturally exist in the earth's electromagnetic cavity which is the space between ground and the Ionosphere. These 'earth brainwaves' are identical to the frequency spectrum of our human brainwaves.
[Frequency nomenclature: 1 hertz = 1 cycle per second, 1 Khz = 1000cps, 1 Mhz =1 million cps. Wavelength: A 1 Hertz wave has a wavelength that is 186,000 miles long, A 10 Hz wave is 18,600 miles long, etc. Radio-waves move at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second)]
The Creator designed living beings to resonate to the11 natural Schumann Resonance frequency pulsation in order to evolve harmoniously. The Ionosphere is being manipulated by US government scientists using the Alaskan transmitter called HAARP, (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which sends focused radiated power to heat up sections of the Ionosphere, which bounces power down again. ELF waves produced from HAARP, when targeted on selected areas, can weather-engineer and create mood changes affecting millions of people. The intended wattage is 1,700 billion watts of power.
Geomagnetic Waves & GWEN
Sixty four elements in the ground modulate, with variation, the geomagnetic waves naturally coming from the ground. The earth's natural 'brain rhythm' above is balanced with these. These are the same minerals found in red blood corpuscles. There is a relation between the blood and geomagnetic waves. An imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts these biorhythms. These natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificially created low frequency (LF) ground waves coming from GWEN Towers.
GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters placed 200 miles apart across the USA allow specific frequencies to be tailored to the geomagnetic-field strength in each area, allowing the magnetic field to be altered. They operate in the LF range, with transmissions between LF 150 and 175 KHz. They also emit waves from the upper VHF to the lower UHF range of 225 - 400 MHz. The LF signals travel by waves that hug the ground rather than radiating into the atmosphere. A GWEN station transmits in a 360 degree circle up to 300 miles, the signal dropping off sharply with distance. The entire GWEN system consists of, (depending on source of data), from 58 to an intended 300 transmitters spread across the USA, each with a tower 299-500 ft high. 300 ft copper wires in spoke-like fashion fan out from the base of the system underground, interacting with the earth, like a thin shelled conductor, radiating radio wave energy for very long distances through the ground.
The United States is bathed in this magnetic field which can rise from ground up to 500 ft, but goes down into basements, so everyone can be affected and mind-controlled. The entire artificial ground-wave spreads out over the whole of the USA like a web. It is easier to mind-control and hypnotize people who are bathed in an artificial electromagnetic-wave.
GWEN transmitters have many different functions including:
1. controlling the weather,
2. mind control,
3. behavior and mood control, and
4. sending synthetic-telepathy as infrasound to victims with US government mind-control implants.
GWEN works in conjunction with HAARP and the Russian Woodpecker transmitter, which is similar to HAARP. The Russians openly market a small version of their weather-engineering system called Elate, which can fine-tune weather patterns over a 200 mile area and have the same range as the GWEN unit. An Elate system operates at Moscow airport. The GWEN towers shoot enormous bursts of energy into the atmosphere in conjuction with HAARP. The website wrote an expose of how the major floods of the Mid-West USA occurred in 1993.
Atmospheric Vapor Rivers
Enormous, invisible rivers of water, consisting of vapors that flow, move towards the poles in the lower atmosphere. They rival the flow of the Amazon River and are 420 to 480 miles wide and up to 4,800 miles long. They are 1.9 miles above the earth and contain a volume of water equivalent to 340 lbs of water per second. There are 5 atmospheric rivers in each Hemisphere. A massive flood can be created by damming up one of these massive vapor rivers, causing huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped. The GWEN Towers positioned along the areas north of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers were turned on for 40 days and 40 nights, probably mocking the Flood of Genesis. (This was in conjunction with HAARP, that creates a river of electricity flowing thousands of miles through the sky and down to the polar ice-cap, manipulating the jet-stream , like the Russian Woodpecker.) These rivers flooded, causing agricultural losses of $12-15 billion. HAARP produces earthquakes by focusing energy along fault lines. GWEN Towers are located on the fault lines and volcanic areas of the Pacific Northeast.
In 1963, Dr Robert Beck explored effects of external magnetic-fields on brainwaves showing a relationship between psychiatric admissions and solar magnetic storms. He exposed volunteers to pulsed magnetic-fields similar to magnetic-storms, and found a similar response. US 60 Hz electric power ELF waves vibrate at the same frequency as the human brain. UK 50 Hz electricity emissions depress the thyroid gland.
Human Vulnerability
Dr Andrija Puharich in the 50's/60's, found that clairvoyant's brainwaves became 8 Hz when their psychic powers were operative. He saw an Indian Yogi in 1956 controlling his brainwaves, deliberately shifting his consciousness from one level to another. Puharich trained people with bio-feedback to do this consciously, making 8 Hz waves. A healer made 8 Hz waves pass into a patient, healing their heart trouble, her brain emitting 8 Hz . One person emitting a certain frequency can make another also resonate to the same frequency. Our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology which sends out ELF waves, because they immediately start resonating to the outside signal by a kind of tuning-fork effect. Puharich experimented discovering that
A) 7.83 Hz (earth's pulse rate) made a person feel good, producing an altered-state.
B) 10.80 Hz causes riotous behavior and
C) 6.6 Hz causes depression.
Puharich made ELF waves change RNA and DNA, breaking hydrogen bonds to make a person have a higher vibratory rate. He wanted to go beyond the psychic 8 Hz brainwave and attract psi phenomena. James Hurtak, who once worked for Puharich, also wrote in his book The Keys of Enoch that ultra-violet caused hydrogen bonds to break and this raised the vibratory rate.
Puharich presented the mental effects of ELF waves to military leaders, but they would not believe him. He gave this information to certain dignitaries of other Western nations. The US government burned down his home in New York to shut him up and he fled to Mexico. However, the Russians discovered which ELF frequencies did what to the human brain and began zapping the US Embassy in Moscow on 4 July 1976 with electromagnetic-waves, varying the signal, including focusing on 10 Hz. (10 Hz puts people into a hypnotic state. Russians and North Koreans use this in portable mind-control machines to extract confessions. A machine was even found in an American church to help the congregation believe!) The Russian "Woodpecker" signal was traveling across the world from a transmitter near Kiev. The US Air Force identified 5 different frequencies in this compound harmonic Woodpecker signal that was sending signals through the earth and the atmosphere.
Nikola Tesla revealed in 1901 power could be transmitted through the ground using ELF waves. Nothing stops or weakens these signals. The Russians retrieved Tesla's papers when they were finally returned to Yugoslavia after his death.
Puharich continued to monitor the Russian ELF wave signal while in Mexico and the higher harmonics produced in the MHz range (5.340 MHz). He met the CIA and started working for them. He and Dr. Robert Beck designed equipment to measure these waves and their effect on the human brain. Puharich started his work by putting dogs to sleep. By 1948/49 he graduated to monkeys, deliberately destroying their eardrums to enable them to pick up sounds without the eardrum intact. He discovered a nerve in the tongue could be used to facilitate hearing. He created the dental tooth implant which mind-control victims are now claiming was surreptitiously placed in their mouth by controlled dentists causing them to hear 'voices in their head.' The implant was placed under dental caps or lodged in the jaw.
Vaccine Implants
Implants are now smaller than a hair's width and are injected with vaccine and flu shots. Millions have had this done unknowingly. These 'biochips' circulate in the bloodstream and lodge in the brain, enabling the victims to hear 'voices' via the implant. There are many kinds of implants now and 1 in 40 are victims from 'alien abduction' statistics, though 1 in 20 has also been gauged. The fake alien abduction event, revealed to be actually the work of US military personnel using technology to make hologram spaceships outside, virtual reality scenarios of going onto a spaceship with humans in costumes, has been astutely perceived. Though real alien abductions do occur, the 'alien abduction' scenario has been useful to stop any further investigation or accountability of government authorities by poor victims who would face mockery and appear silly.
Are we being forced to respond to an artificially induced vibratory rate by global masters who want this planet to have a sudden leap in evolution, populated by the psychically aware and therefore a superior class of humans or is the agenda designed to eliminate billions of people who are 'useless eaters', deceptively being disposed by electro magnetically-induced cancers and diseases?
Electromagnetic Disease Transmission, ELF, & Chemtrails
The physics and engineering behind electromagnetic disease transmission are frightening. Diseases can be reproduced as 'disease signatures' in that the vibration of a disease can be manufactured and sent on to be induced. (The brainwave pattern of hallucinogenic drugs can also be copied and sent by ELF waves to induce 'visions'.) Once diseases are sprayed in the air, electromagnetic-waves attuned to the disease, using harmonics and subharmonics, will make them more lethal and infectious by sending particular disease frequency death-patterns.
Chemtrails are being sprayed daily all over USA (and other countries too) in a white crisscross pattern. They contain diseases and chemicals which affect our state of consciousness. They can produce apathy which works in conjuction with fluoridation of the water, as well as aspartame and drugs. Fluoride disables the willpower section of the brain, impairing the left occipital lobe.
Fluoride and selenium enable people to 'hear voices'. ELF waves create disturbances in the biological processes of the body and these can be activated in the population once the diseases are introduced into the body from the chemtrails.
Some chemtrails have been analyzed and shown to be creating cleavages in spacial perceptions, blocking the interaction of various amino-acids that relate to higher-consciousness and to increase dopamine in the brain producing a listless, spaced-out state of lower reactive mind.
Basically, the goal is to fog the difference between the real and unreal and some of this could be connected with the many UFO abductions occurring en-mass. Hundreds have been witnessed laid out on tables and implanted. Intelligence agencies are in league with each other behind this disablement of the masses to such a point that they can't even fight back. In order for the perpetrators to do what they want, they need the overall 'frequency' of each victim to function at a specific rate below the threshold of awareness.
Could this be part of a greater plan with mind-control transmitters covering the whole of USA and England, cleverly disguised as cell phone towers and trees? The power from microwave towers may be turned up to such a level that people can die.
A brain functioning at beta-level (above 13 Hz) is agitated and can't change its perceptions, if it is artificially maintained by technology to that frequency. This may increase body electricity in others, giving them psychic powers. Is this linked to the New-Agers claim of a rising 12-14 Hz Schumann Resonance, inching us towards the 4th dimension? Stimulants ingested globally from caffeine genetically-modified plants, may also produce an impact on the 'global-brain' in the ionosphere collecting our brainwaves. New-age channellers say we are going into 4th dimensional frequency. They 'heard' the voice of some 'ET' who told them.
However, some 'ETs' may be local boys. Voices in the head were produced in prisoners in Utah prisons using Tesla technology. Each of the prisoners received the same message from an 'ET'. Today, it seems, it's easy to produce 'voices in the head' without implants.
A prisoner called David Fratus in Draper Prison, Utah in 1988 wrote:
"I began to receive, or hear, high-frequency tones in my ears. When I plug my ears..the tones are still inside and become amplified. It's as if they had become electrified echo chambers with the sounds coming from the inside out..I began to hear voices..into my inner ears as vivid as though I were listening to a set of stereo headphones..with the end result being that I am now having my brain monitored by an omnipotent computerized mind reading or scanning machine of some sort "
Hundreds of inmates at the Gunnison Facility of the Utah State Prison, and the State Hospital were subject to this brand of mind-control in order to test it. In the early 1970s, this was brought out in the Utah U.S. District Court, because inmates who had been subjected to this Tesla-wave mind-control in prison had tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court. The University of Utah researched how Tesla-waves could be used to manipulate the mind into hearing voices, overriding and implanting thoughts into the mind, and reading the thoughts, as well as developing eye-implants.
Cray computers, using artificial-intelligence, monitor the victims of government implants sending pre-recorded sound-bytes or occasional live messages. They are picked up by satellite and relayed to whatever large TV broadcasting antenna, GWEN tower or other microwave antenna is near the victim. It's believed that some type of body implants pick up the signal and broadcast the correct Tesla-wave pattern to create voices within the victim.
The tracking implant keeps the staff and the satellite system informed every few minutes as to exactly where to send the voice signals. The master computer and central HQ for this is reported to be in Boulder, CO. It is thought that transponders are being made there as well. The central cellular computer is in the Boulder, CO National Bureau of Standards building. AT&T is also cooperating in this project. Several government agencies work together on this.
Tim Rifat of UK wrote that
"this inter-cerebral hearing is used to drive the victim mad, as no one else can hear the voices transmitted into the brain of the target. Transmission of auditory data directly into the target's brains using microwave carrier beams is now common practice. Instead of using excitation potentials, one uses a transducer to modify the spoken word into ELF audiograms, that are then superimposed on a pulse modulated microwave beam."
The Sydney Morning Herald on 21 March 1983 published an article by Dr Nassim Abd El-Aziz Neweigy, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor Tukh-Kalubia, Egypt. It stated:
"Russian satellites, controlled by advanced computers, can send voices in one's own language interweaving into natural thoughts to the population of choice to form diffused artificial thought. The chemistry and electricity of the human brain can be manipulated by satellite and even suicide can be induced. Through ferocious anti-humanitarian means, the extremist groups are fabricated, the troubles and bloody disturbances are instigated by advanced tele-means via Russian satellites, in many countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America."
Another source says that these have been fed with the world's languages and synthetic telepathy will reach into people's heads making people believe God is speaking to them personally to enact the Second Coming, complete with holograms! The Russians broke the genetic code of the human brain. They worked out 23 EEG band-wave lengths, 11 of which were totally independent. So if you can manipulate those 11, you can do anything.
NSA Cray computers can remotely track people just knowing the specific EMF waves (evoked potentials from EEGs in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt range) of a person's bioelectric-field. Each person's emissions are unique and they can remotely track someone in public.
Maxwell's 'Hidden' Etheric Component
Evoked-potentials officially don't exist in physics, but in 1873 a Scotsman, James Clerk Maxwell, discovered electromagnetic waves have 3 components:
He discovered waveforms which exist at a certain number of right-angled rotations away from the electromagnetic-field. These are hyperspacial components, not subject to constraints of time and space. He claimed that electromagnetic-radiation waves were carried by the ether and the ether was disturbed by magnetic lines of force. The hidden component is called only 'potential' now and not normally used except for covert hyperdimensional physics and to manipulate consciousness itself via electromagnetic-waves covering vast areas of the planet.
Approx. one person in 3000 is naturally sensitive to this magnetic-waveform component, the telepathic types (according to a writer called "Majix"), but we are all capable of tuning into this magnetic component by tuning our subconscious to it. Maxwell's successors thought potentials were akin to mysticism, because they believed fields contain mass which cannot be created from apparently nothing, which is what potentials are, both literally and mathematically - they are an accumulation or reservoir of energy; but this hasn't been taught in mainstream physics.
Thought Control
Subliminal words in the correct electromagnetic-field that expresses human consciousness, attuned to the human brain, can enter our minds at a subconscious level. Our brain activity patterns can apparently be measured and stored on computer by super-computers. If a victim needs subliminal-thoughts implanted, all that is necessary is to capture, save on computer, and target the person's brainwave pattern to send them such low frequency subliminal-messages that they actually think it is their own thoughts [confirmed by Al Bielek and Preston Nichols with the Montauk Project in Long Island]. The researcher Majix says our brains are so sensitive that they are like liquid-crystal in response to the magnetic component of the earth.
We are sensitive to earth's magnetic changes, changes in the ionospheric cavity and re-resonate those frequencies ourselves. We are incredibly complex, beyond comprehension and a type of biocosmic transducer. He adds:
"Physicists in Russia correlate the mean annual magnetic-activity, electro-magnetic and electro-static fields on human behavior and medical indications.They are similar to biorhythms.These magnetic frequencies can be manipulated. Our brain waves can mimic magnetic frequencies from very simple equipment at extremely low power levels. From half a second to 4 seconds later, the neurons and brainwaves are driven exclusively by the device, with power levels almost nonexistent. All one needs is a circularly polarized antenna aimed up at the ionospheric cavity and they can manipulate the moods of everyone within a 75 sq. mile area. The body picks up these "new" manipulated waves and begins to correspond immediately. "Sleep" frequency will make everyone become tired and sleep."
In 1967, an "internationally renowned scientist" and Christopher Hills, a pendulum expert, communicated with some ETs. (It is not known who the scientist was, but at one time both Hills and Puharich were with the medium Eileen Garrett at a time when Puharich was communicating with ETs.)
In short, ETs communicated with us via modulated radio-waves, between 10,000 and 20,000 cycles below the known electromagnetic-spectrum. In the carrier-wave by amplitude modulation, mixed with frequency modulation. Single band energy, transmission power less than 25 watts. A naturally present wave on earth, the brain modulated - a wave that resonates between the earth and the ionosphere. All humans influence the ionosphere in this manner. A reflecting technique is involved. The brain modulation consisted of pulses, akin to those known from neuro pulses. Two humans can use this. It's related to something akin to low frequency radar and to ultrasonic techniques, but qualified. A mixed electro-acoustic wave function. The electromagnetic-wave induced an ultrasonic transduction in human tissue. The brain radiation has a sonic component to it as well as an electromagnetic component. Electromagnetic-radiation has a sonic component and it's dependent on the medium through which it travels.
The scientist cut through months of work. Now HAARP is slicing up the ionosphere, the world-brain, like a microwave knife, producing long tear incisions destroying the membrane which holds the reservoir of data accumulated by all earth's history. A healer called Mr. "A" claimed to receive "Ancient Wisdom" from this protective Magnetic-Ring of energy which stores within it all knowledge since time began. Ruth Mongomery wrote about him in Born To Heal.
He claimed that if our energy flow is cut off from this magnetic-field, the Universal-Supply is obstructed and we are no longer in tune and start to get sick. The Power from this travels in split-seconds around the world and is available to anyone who is capable of receiving it and handling it. The waves from The Ring automatically translated into words in his mind, as wisdom to diagnose and heal others, coming from the storehouse of knowledge here since the beginning of time. He produced instant miracles, knitting broken bones and removing arthritis. A photo caught forked lightning coming from his fingers.
In Let's Talk MONTAUK, Joyce Murphy shows that experiments on the 410-420 MHz cycle have been done which could affect the "window frequency to the human consciousness" as a whole:
"He (Preston Nichols) used equipment to learn that whenever a 410-420 MHz signal appeared on the air, the psychic's minds would be "jammed." Tracing the signal to Montauk Point and the red and white radar antenna on the Air Force Base.."
In Encounter in the Pleiades by Peter Moon and Preston Nichols, Preston wrote that:
"Dr. Nicholas Begich has picked up 435 MHz signals connected to HAARP and that a mind control function is being employed. He says that 400-450 MHz is the window to human consciousness because it is our reality's background frequency."
Tim Rifat wrote in his Microwave Mind Control in the UK article that cellular phones use 435 MHz. UK police use 450 MHz exclusively. Dr. Ross Adey used this for CIA behavioral modification experiments. Police have a vast array of antennae to broadcast this frequency all over the UK. Adey used 0.75mW/cm2 intensity of pulse modulate microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz, with an ELF modulation to control all aspects of human behavior. 450 MHZ radar modulated at 60 Hz greatly reduced T-lymphocyte activity to kill cultured cancer cells. A study of USA 60 Hz power lines repeated this finding.
The Nine
Dystopian visionary quotes from Brzezinski's book written back in 1970: "a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations"
More about Puharich:
Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the history of The Nine is its relationship to the career of Andrija Puharich. Recent research has revealed Puharich to have a distinctly sinister side. As an Army doctor in the 1950s, he was deeply involved with the CIA's notorious MKULTRA mind control project (see panel). He - together with the infamous Dr Sidney Gottlieb - experimented with a variety of techniques to change or induce actual thought processes. even to creating the impression of voices in the head. These techniques included the use of drugs, hypnosis and beaming radio signals directly into the subject's brain. And, significantly, he was engaged in this work at exactly the same time that The Nine made their first appearance at the Round Table Foundation. The Foundation itself is now known to have been largely funded by the Pentagon as a front for its medical and parapsychological research. Puharich was still working for the CIA in the early 1970s, when he brought Uri Geller out of Israel. Puharich's use of hypnosis is particularly interesting in The Nine circle. In the case of Uri Geller and Bobby Horne, he first hypnotised them and then suggested that they were in touch with The Nine - and lo, they were! Ira Einhorn - a close associate of Puharich's during the 1970s - confirmed to us that he believed that Puharich was "humanly directing" The Nine communications.
"To quickly summarize, Puharich was involved on the one hand with ELF (extremely low frequency) transmissions, and even supposedly invented a radio receiver which could be inserted into tooth fillings. And then on the other hand, he has this history of alleged UFO contact, and a series of channellers who claimed to be in communion with ancient Egyptian gods. Here are a couple pieces I’ve written about him, which you might want to explore:
He’s one of these malleable characters who flit in and out of other people’s life stories, such as Gene Roddenberry, creator Star Trek, and psychic Uri Geller, who in turn is connected to Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Dodi Fayed’s father and more. Further, Puharich seems to have been very much treading the line between working for the government and working against the government at various times, which perhaps indicates that there was some deeper hidden agenda at work. I’ve encountered fewer figures in the annals of conspiracy research who seem to have lead more interesting lives, nor left behind more twisted trails.
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We need to understand that there is free energy and we need to know how to make or get it and pass it on to our children and we all need to do this now. This is here for your review only it is information for my book
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Carrington event solar protons
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The atmospheric impact of the Carrington event solar protons 1
Craig J. Rodger 2
Department of Physics, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand 3
Pekka T. Verronen 4
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland 5
Mark A. Clilverd and Annika Seppälä 6
Physical Sciences Division, British Antarctic Survey (NERC), Cambridge, United Kingdom 7
Esa Turunen 8
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, University of Oulu, Sodankylä, Finland 9
Abstract. The Carrington event of August/September 1859 was the most significant solar 10
proton event (SPE) of the last 450 years, about four times larger than the solar proton fluence of 11
the largest event from the "spacecraft era" (August 1972). Recently, much attention has focused 12
upon increasing our understanding of the Carrington event, in order to better quantify the 13
impact of extreme space weather events. In this study the Sodankylä Ion and Neutral Chemistry 14
(SIC) model is used to estimate the impact of the Carrington event to the neutral atmosphere 15
and the ionosphere, and the disruption to HF communication. We adopt a reported intensity- 16
time profile for the solar proton flux, and examine the relative atmospheric response to 17
different SPE-energy spectra, and in particular, the comparatively soft energy spectrum of the 18
August 1972 or March 1991 SPE which are believed to provide the best representation of the 19
Carrington event. Our calculations indicate that large changes in electron density and 20
atmospheric constituents occur during the period of SPE-forcing, depending upon the nature of 21
the spectrum and also on the hemisphere considered. However, the most important SPE-driven 22
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
atmospheric response is an unusually strong and long-lived Ox decrease in the upper 23
stratosphere (Ox levels drop by ~40%) primarily caused by the very large fluxes of >30 MeV 24
protons. This depletion is an indication of the extreme changes possible for the largest SPE. We 25
find that there are comparatively small long-term differences in the atmospheric and 26
ionospheric response between the 3 suggested SPE spectra. 27
1. Introduction 29
The Carrington event of August/September 1859 was the most significant solar proton event 30
(SPE) of the last 450 years, identified through impulsive nitrate events in polar ice [McCracken 31
et al., 2001]. The >30 MeV solar proton fluence determined from the ice cores indicate it was 32
twice as large as the next largest event (1895), and roughly four times larger than the solar 33
proton fluence of the largest event from the "spacecraft era" which occurred in August 1972. 34
The Carrington SPE was associated with the 1–2 September 1859 magnetic storm, the most 35
intense in recorded history [Tsurutani et al., 2003]. The space weather events of 36
August/September 1859 are now particularly famous due to Carrington's visual observation of 37
a white-light solar flare for the first time [Carrington, 1960]. The associated magnetic 38
disturbances produced widespread auroral displays and disruption to telegraph transmissions 39
which attracted much public attention and were widely reported in the newspapers and 40
scientific articles [see the review Boteler, 2006]. 41
Recently, much attention has focused upon increasing our understanding of the Carrington 42
event, in order to better quantify what extreme space weather events could do to our current 43
technological society. For example, estimates suggest a potential economic loss of billion due to lost revenue (~US$44 billion) and the cost of replacement of GEO satellites 45
(~US$24 billion) caused by a "once a century" single storm similar to the Carrington event 46
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[Odenwald et al., 2006]. These authors estimate that 80 satellites in low-, medium, and 47
geostationary- Earth orbits might be disabled as a consequence of a superstorm event with 48
additional disruptions caused by the failure of many of the satellite navigation systems (e.g., 49
GPS). Ionising radiation doses from the SPE have been estimated to be as high as 54 krad (Si) 50
[Townsend et al., 2003], levels which are not only highly life-threatening for crews of manned 51
missions, but present a significant hazard to onboard electronics. 52
Solar proton events produce large ionization changes in the polar ionosphere which can drive 53
significant changes in atmospheric chemistry and communications disruption. Over the years 54
several studies of Solar Proton Event effects on the atmosphere have been published. The 55
earlier work of Crutzen and Solomon [1980], McPeters et al. [1981], and Solomon et al. [1983] 56
has been followed by several studies, notably the work of Jackman and coauthors [Jackman 57
and McPeters, 1985; Jackman and Meade, 1988; Jackman et al., 1990, 1993, 1995, 2000]. 58
SPEs result in enhancements of odd nitrogen (NOx) and odd hydrogen (HOx) in the upper 59
stratosphere and mesosphere [Crutzen et al.,1975; Solomon et al., 1981; Jackman et al., 1990, 60
2000]. NOx and HOx play a key role in the ozone balance of the middle atmosphere because 61
they destroy odd oxygen through catalytic reactions [e.g., Brasseur and Solomon, 1986, pp. 62
291-299]. Ionization changes produced by a 20 MeV proton will tend to peak at ~60 km 63
altitude [Turunen et al., Fig 3, 2008]. Ionization increases occurring at similar altitudes, caused 64
by solar proton events are known to lead to significant local perturbations in ozone levels 65
[Verronen et al., 2005], with polar ozone levels decreasing by >50% for large SPE. However, 66
the effect on annually averaged global total ozone is considered to be relatively small, of the 67
order of few tenths of a percent at the maximum [Jackman et al., 1996]. Changes in NOx and 68
O3 consistent with solar proton-driven modifications have been observed [Jackman et al. ,2001; 69
Seppälä et al., 2004; Verronen et al., 2005]. It is well-known that particle precipitation at high 70
latitudes produce additional ionization leading to increased HF absorption at high-latitudes 71
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
[MacNamara, 1985], in extreme cases producing a complete blackout of HF communications 72
in the polar regions. 73
In order to consider the impact of the Carrington event solar protons upon the Earth's 74
atmosphere, information on the fluence and energy spectrum of the SPE is required. An 75
estimate of the odd nitrogen increases and ozone decreases due to the Carrington SPE has been 76
undertaken [Thomas et al., 2007], using a Greenland ice core derived >30 MeV fluence of 77
2.7×1010 cm-2 and a spectrum taken from the very energetic and spectrally hard 19 October 78
1989 SPE. The total ionization was distributed over the 2 day duration uniformly (i.e. as a step 79
function), leading to a localized maximum column ozone depletion which was ~3.5 times 80
greater than that of the 1989 event. As noted in this study, the use of the 19 October 1989 81
spectrum to represent the 1859 Carrington SPE was a "best guess" approach, given the total 82
lack of direct proton spectral measurements in that era. 83
Limits on the Carrington event spectrum have been provided by measurements of the 84
cosmogenic isotope 10Be, also found in polar ice cores. Analysis of the 10Be concentrations 85
suggest that the spectral hardness of the Carrington event was significantly softer than those of 86
September-October 1989 SPE [Beer et al., 1990]; any increase in 10Be associated with the 87
Carrington event was found to be less than the 9% standard deviation of the annual data. It has 88
been suggested that the Carrington event may have had an energy spectrum very similar to 89
those measured for the August 1972 or March 1991 SPE [Smart et al., 2006]. The later study 90
also constructed an intensity-time profile of the solar particle flux, by assuming that the 91
Carrington solar event is part of the class of interplanetary shock-dominated events where the 92
maximum particle flux is observed as the shock passes the Earth. 93
In this study we make use of the new findings as to the nature of the Carrington event, 94
adopting both the Smart et al. [2006] intensity-time profile for the >30 MeV solar proton flux, 95
and the softer energy spectrum required to reproduce the cosmogenic isotope concentrations. 96
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We make use of the Sodankylä Ion and Neutral Chemistry (SIC) model to estimate the impact 97
of the Carrington event to the neutral atmosphere and the ionosphere, and the disruption to HF 98
communication. We go on to consider the potential "worst case" significance of a Carrington- 99
level "superstorm". 100
2. Spectrum and intensity-time profile of the Carrington SPE 101
As noted above, cosmogenic isotope concentrations have indicated that the Carrington SPE 102
was significantly softer than those of September-October 1989 SPE. Smart et al. [2006] 103
concluded that either of the comparatively soft SPE energy spectra from August 1972 or March 104
1991 could be representative of that for the Carrington event, given the cosmogenic isotope 105
observations. In contrast, some previous studies into the potential doses to humans and 106
electronics, and the atmospheric impact, have used hard SPE energy spectra, particularly 29 107
September 1989 and 19 October 1989 [see the discussion in Townsend et al., 2006]. In this 108
study we model the SPE spectra using a Weibull distribution, which has been shown to provide 109
an accurate representation of the measured proton spectra for these events [Xapsos et al., Table 110
1, 2000]. The Weibull distribution fit for differential SPE fluxes are described through the 111
expression 112
( ) α α α kE E k
d − Φ =
Φ − exp 1
0 (1) 113
where E is the energy in MeV and Φ
0 , k, and α are the Weibull fitting parameters. k and α are 114
taken from Xapsos et al. [2000], while Φ
0 is scaled to reproduce the >30 MeV proton fluence 115
for the Carrington event (1.9×1010 cm-2 [McCracken et al., 2001]). These values are given in 116
Table 1. The SPE fluxes are expressed with units of protons cm-2s-1sr-1MeV-1. Figure 1 shows a 117
comparison between the differential fluences which have been used to describe the Carrington 118
event, based on four different SPE. The differential fluences shown in Figure 1 have been 119
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normalised to the Carrington-level >30 MeV fluence of 1.9×1010 protons cm-2. As noted by 120
Townsend et al. [2006], both of the SPEs which occurred in 1989 were spectrally hard, and 121
rather similar to one-another. In contrast, the SPEs which occurred in August 1972 and March 122
1991 were much softer, with the August 1972 SPE having an unusually soft spectrum. These 123
two soft-spectra SPEs provide two possibilities through which we can estimate the impact of 124
the Carrington event upon the neutral atmosphere, following the approach of Smart et al. 125
[2006] to treat these as "indicative spectra". The harder spectra from September-October 1989 126
provide an approach by which comparisons can be made with earlier studies, and also an 127
estimate of the possible "extreme" worst-case for a Carrington-level SPE with a hard spectra. 128
As the September and October 1989 SPE have very similar spectra, we arbitrarily select 129
October 1989. Note, however, that the differences between the normalised energy spectra for 130
the two hard SPEs and that of March 1991 are much smaller across the energy range 2- 131
40 MeV. Protons in this energy range deposit most of their energy in the altitude range ~50- 132
85 km [Turunen et al., Fig. 3, 2008], where SPE-induced changes to the neutral atmosphere are 133
largest [e. g., Verronen et al., 2005]. As such, it is instructive to contrast the atmospheric 134
impact of the differing spectra, as this may be less significant than Figure 1 suggests. 135
The upper panel of Figure 2 shows the intensity-time profile for >30 MeV solar proton fluxes 136
during the Carrington event [after Fig. 12, Smart et al., 2006]. This profile is combined with the 137
SPE energy spectra of Figure 1 to produce three different time-varying differential proton 138
fluxes for proton energies of 1-2000 MeV across the time period of the Carrington event, as 139
shown in the 3 lower panels of Figure 2. In those panels the time-varying differential proton 140
flux is shown with units of log10[protons cm-2s-1sr-1MeV-1]. The second and third panels of 141
Figure 2 represent differing possible differential fluxes for the Carrington SPE, while the lower 142
panel represents the "worst case" of a Carrington-level SPE with a hard spectrum. For time 143
periods outside the Smart et al. intensity-time profile, the proton fluxes are set to zero. A 144
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widely accepted SPE definition requires the >10 MeV proton flux to be >10 cm-2s-1sr-1MeV-1. 145
The beginning and end of the time profile shown in Figure 2 are below this level, and thus we 146
have confidence that the fluxes shown in Figure 2 describe the entire SPE event. 147
3. Sodankylä Ion Chemistry Model 148
Using the Sodankylä Ion and Neutral Chemistry (SIC) model we consider the atmospheric 149
consequences of the Carrington SPE using the time-varying proton fluxes from Figure 2. SPE 150
produce ionization increases in the polar mesosphere and upper stratosphere, which in turn alters 151
atmospheric chemistry through changes in HOx and NOx. The SIC model is a 1-D chemical 152
model designed for ionospheric D-region studies, solving the concentrations of 65 ions at 153
altitudes across 20–150 km, of which 36 are positive and 29 negative, as well as 15 minor neutral 154
species. Our study made use of SIC version 6.9.0. The model has recently been discussed by 155
Verronen et al. [2005], building on original work by Turunen et al. [1996] with neutral species 156
modifications described by Verronen et al. [2002]. A detailed overview of the model was given 157
in Verronen et al. [2005], but we summarize the key characteristics of the model here to provide 158
background for this study. 159
In the SIC model several hundred reactions are implemented, plus additional external forcing 160
due to solar radiation (1–422.5 nm), electron and proton precipitation, and galactic cosmic 161
radiation. Solar flux is calculated with the SOLAR2000 model (version 2.27, now the Solar 162
Irradiance Platform, SIP) [Tobiska et al., 2000]. The scattered component of solar Lyman-α flux 163
is included using the empirical approximation given by Thomas and Bowman [1986]. The SIC 164
code includes vertical transport [Chabrillat et al., 2002] which takes into account molecular 165
[Banks and Kockarts, 1973] and eddy diffusion with a fixed eddy diffusion coefficient profile 166
which has a maximum of 1.2×106 cm2s-1 at 110 km. The background neutral atmosphere is 167
calculated using the MSISE-90 model [Hedin, 1991] and tables given by Shimazaki [1984]. The 168
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SIC-models does not calculate temperature variations, leaving these fixed by MSIS. As such no 169
transport driven by adiabatic heating or cooling are included in the SIC results. Such changes in 170
vertical transport have been calculated for large SPE events [Jackman et al., 2007], but were 171
insignificant below 60 km altitudes. In the SIC model transport and chemistry are advanced in 172
intervals of 5 minutes. Within each 5 minute interval exponentially increasing time steps are 173
used because of the wide range of chemical time constants of the modeled species. 174
3.1 Control Run 175
In order to interpret the SPE-driven changes, a SIC modeling run has also been undertaken 176
without any SPE-forcing (i.e., zero proton fluxes), termed the "control" run. The SIC model is 177
run for the northern hemisphere location (70ºN, 0ºE) and southern hemisphere location (70ºS, 178
0ºE) starting on 27 August 1859 and continuing for 24 days. These locations were selected as the 179
geomagnetic cutoff energy is small for sufficiently high magnetic latitudes, such that the proton 180
flux spectra is essentially unaffected by the geomagnetic field, particularly for the mesospheric 181
altitudes of interest. Modeling of the 1850 geomagnetic field suggests there is little change in 182
cutoff rigidities for these locations relative to the modern field [Shea and Smart, Fig. 4, 2006], 183
and hence modern rigidity calculations can be applied [e.g., Rodger et al., 2006a]. In addition, 184
for these locations UT=LT, making interpretation easier. Finally, the northern location is the 185
same as has been used in some previous SIC-modeling studies into SPE-effects [e.g., Verronen 186
et al., 2005; Clilverd et al, 2006; Seppälä et al., 2006], allowing direct comparisons. 187
We assume active solar cycle phase for the SOLAR2000 output (F10.7 = 158.2×10-22 Wm-2Hz- 188
1, F10.7A = 167.7 ×10-22 Wm-2Hz-1), and drive the MSIS model with Ap = 138 based on the 189
mean storm value determined for the Carrington period [Nevanlinna, 2006]. Note that the 190
geomagnetic amplitude index C9 from the St. Petersburg observatory (Russia) reached peak 191
values of 8 and 9 for the times of the two peaks in the SPE fluxes [Nevanlinna, Fig 3., 2006], 192
which will also ensure that the cutoff rigidities are very low for our modeling locations. We 193
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therefore assume that the geomagnetic cutoff energy is zero throughout the calculation for both 194
locations. 195
The results of this no-forcing control SIC-run, shown in Figure 3, represent the calculation of 196
"normal" conditions, and hence allow an indication of the significance of the SPE-driven 197
changes. The top panel of Figure 3 shows the normal diurnal variation in electron number 198
density, the second panel shows HOx number density (H + OH + HO2), the third panel NOx 199
number density (N + NO + NO2), and the lower panel shows Ox (O + O3). We use HOx, NOx and 200
Ox rather than NO and O3 as there are substantial diurnal variations in both the latter populations, 201
which would lead to distracting features in the relative change plots presented below. In all cases 202
these panels have units of log10[cm-3]. 203
The diurnal variation in the constituents is most clearly seen in the electron density and HOx 204
panels of Figure 3, but is much weaker for the NOx and Ox panels. This is because the chemical 205
lifetimes for the NOx and Ox species are relatively long, while the rapid changes taking place 206
during the diurnal cycle occur inside the family of species (i.e. NO2 and NO). There is a gradual 207
change present in the southern hemisphere HOx and NOx panels, due to increasing levels of 208
sunlight caused by the seasonal lengthening of the periods with daytime conditions as seen in the 209
electron density panels. 210
3.2 Proton Forcing 212
Ionization rates are calculated for the three possible representations of the Carrington SPE as 213
described in Verronen et al. [2005], and are shown in Figure 4 with units of log10[cm-3s-1]. As 214
the March 1991 spectrum leads to more high energy protons (>300 MeV) present in the SPE 215
than the August 1972 spectrum, the ionization rates are more significant at lower altitudes 216
(~20 km). However, the Weibull-fitted SPE spectrum for March 1991 also leads to additional 217
lower energy protons (<20 MeV) relative to August 1972, causing the ionization rates to be 218
larger than the August 1972 case for altitudes >~65 km. The hard spectra case (October 1989) 219
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has significant ionization rates present for the lowest altitudes considered in our modeling (at 220
~20 km), where the rates are several orders of magnitude higher than for either of the other 221
spectra. In all cases the first ionization pulse is similar to the peak ionization rates seen for 222
other large SPE events [e.g., Verronen et al., Fig. 1, 2005, Seppälä et al., Fig. 1, 2006], while 223
the second pulse on 2 September 1859 is about one order of magnitude larger. 224
4. Modeling results 225
The ionization rates shown in Figure 4 are used to drive the SIC model. Hence we examine 226
the altitude and time variation in the electron number density and the neutral atmospheric 227
species (e.g., NOx (N + NO + NO2), HOx (H + OH + HO2), and Ox (O + O3)), during the 228
Carrington SPEs. The atmospheric changes modeled in our study mostly occur in the 229
mesosphere and upper stratosphere, as determined by energy spectra of the precipitating 230
protons. In the mesosphere changes in O3 (or Ox) are primarily caused by increases in HOx, 231
although NOx does play some role near 50 km and is important in Ox chemistry in the upper 232
stratosphere. Ionization-produced NOx and HOx leads to the Ox changes as shown in the 233
following figures. 234
4.1 Electron density variation 235
Figure 5 presents the Carrington SPE electron number density changes caused by the three 236
selected SPE-spectra, relative to the control runs shown in Figure 3, shown for the northern 237
hemisphere (left) and southern hemisphere (right) cases. The figure shows the ratio to represent 238
the very large changes which occur. The electron density plots show very large increases 239
during the period of direct SPE-forcing (i.e., 27 August-8 September 1859), with the two pulse 240
time-structure of the SPE clearly seen in the electron density relative changes. The peak 241
electron density changes in the 2nd pulse are roughly one order of magnitude larger than for the 242
1st pulse, as expected from the differences in the SPE forcing. The largest enhancements occur 243
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in the southern hemisphere, which is dominated by night-time ionospheric conditions. The 244
three SPE spectra lead to rather similar electron density increases, of about 103-104 times in the 245
40-100 km altitude range. The primary difference between the 3 spectra considered is between 246
the August 1972 and October 1989 cases below 40 km altitude, to the relative hardness of the 247
spectra. Once the SPE forcing ends, the electron density rapidly returns to normal levels at 248
most altitudes. The exception to this is a long-lived factor of 3-9 increase which occurs at 249
~80 km altitude, caused by the Lyman-α ionization of increased NOx present after the SPE. 250
Note that this electron density enhancement feature does not completely disappear, and is still 251
present 10 days after the end of the SPE forcing. However, we are unable to determine the true 252
recovery time of this enhancement, as it lasts beyond the timescale over which our model runs 253
can be considered realistic. The length of the SIC-run needs to be limited due to the increasing 254
significance of horizontal transport, in addition to vertical transport from adiabatic heating, 255
neither of which are included in the 1D SIC model. In reality, the relatively small electron 256
density enhancement feature is likely to dissipate more rapidly than shown here, due to 257
transport mixing out the long-lived NOx increase. 258
4.2 HOx variation 259
Figure 6 presents the variation of HOx, in the same format as Figure 5. Increases in HOx are 260
only significant around the times of the SPE-forcing, as the lifetime of HOx is very short, and 261
the majority of the SPE-produced HOx rapidly decreases once forcing ends. As in the electron 262
case, the increases appear more significant in the southern hemisphere as the background level 263
of HOx is larger in the daytime than the night (Figure 3). All three spectra lead to peak HOx 264
increases of about one order of magnitude from ~20-85 km, with the two "hard" SPE spectra 265
causing significant HOx increases to the lowest altitudes considered. Order-of-magnitude HOx 266
increases have been seen also during smaller, more recent SPE, one example being the January 267
2005 event [Verronen et al., 2006; Seppälä et al., 2006]. However these high enhancements 268
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have typically been restricted to mesospheric altitudes between 50-80 km. After the forcing, all 269
the SPE spectra produce a long-lived HOx increase of ~40% located around 60-80 km altitudes, 270
present during the nighttime periods. This persistent HOx increase is related to the increase of 271
NO. Larger amounts of NO lead to increased ionization in the D-region, even at night-time 272
because of Lyman-α radiation scattered from the geocorona being an important source of ions. 273
Increased ionization leads to more HOx production through ion chemistry during both day and 274
night. However, this occurs on a relatively low level so that this change is only seen at night 275
when the background production of HOx, which is dependent upon solar radiation, is low. The 276
persistent HOx increase will influence Ox destruction at these altitudes, leading to a long-lived 277
loss. 278
4.3 NOx variation 279
The SPE-produced NOx increases are shown in Figure 7, again in the same format as Figure 5. 280
In this case, the NOx increases are more significant in the northern hemisphere as the 281
background levels of NOx are significantly lower in the sunlight hemisphere (12 times less NOx 282
in the northern hemisphere), and hence the relative NOx increase in the northern hemisphere is 283
~5 times larger than the southern hemisphere. The production rate is the same in both 284
hemispheres, and while the loss rate is larger in the more sunlit northern hemisphere, the 285
relative peak increases are also larger. The faster decay rates in the northern hemisphere due to 286
additional levels of sunlight can be seen in this figure, such that the NOx increases at the end of 287
the SIC modeling period are larger in the southern hemisphere, even though the peak change is 288
larger in the northern. The most significant NOx increases occur from 40-85 km altitude, where 289
the background NOx levels are very low (Figure 3, panel 3). The SPE-produced increases are 290
roughly 100-1000 times the background levels, and thus are much like creating lower 291
thermospheric NOx concentrations at mesospheric altitudes where NOx concentrations are 292
normally very low. Again, there is very little difference between the NOx changes produced by 293
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the March 1991 and October 1989 SPE spectra, while the softer August 1972 spectra leads to 294
11-14 times less NOx around 80 km altitude than for the harder spectra (depending on the 295
hemisphere considered). The NOx produced at altitudes below ~60 km altitudes is very long 296
lived in all conditions as NOx is normally destroyed by solar radiation, which has been largely 297
absorbed at higher altitudes causing very little photodissociation of low-altitude enhancements. 298
Once again, this is an area in which transport needs to be considered, and would be a 299
reasonable topic for a future study. 300
4.4 Ox variation 301
The effect of the HOx and NOx increases on Ox is shown in Figure 8. In this case the relative 302
changes (the ratio between the SPE run and the control run) are shown on a linear scale. During 303
the peak SPE-forcing periods, Ox concentrations drop by 80-90% across an altitude range of 304
50-80 km, with minimum values of 11-13% of the ambient Ox. The two hard spectra 305
representations produce unusually broad Ox decreases stretching over a wider altitude range 306
than seen for most large SPE. For example, the large SPEs which occurred in January 2005 307
produced Ox decreases of about 80% over 70-80 km altitude [Fig2.,Seppälä et al., 2004], while 308
the Carrington SPE is likely to have led to a ~90% decrease over the wider altitude range of 309
~60-80 km. These very large decreases in Ox which occur during the SPE-forcing are caused by 310
HOx. However, this quickly returns to near normal levels at most altitudes (Figure 6) once the 311
proton forcing has finished, after which the mesospheric Ox largely recovers. A long-lived but 312
relatively small nighttime Ox decrease of 5%, at 60-80 km altitude remains after the forcing, 313
caused by the previously identified HOx feature in Figure 6. However, after the SPE forcing 314
there is a significant long lived Ox decrease (Ox levels drop of ~40% when compared with 315
normal levels) at ~45 km altitude, i.e. in the upper stratosphere. This is an unusually large 316
decrease for a direct SPE effect upon these relatively low altitudes and is produced by the long- 317
lived NOx with an order of magnitude increase occurring at ~45 km altitude (Figure 7). The 318
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first pulse in the SPE leads directly to a ~10-20% Ox decrease at these altitudes, which is more 319
typical for very large SPE [e.g. Seppälä et al., 2004]. All the three possible Carrington spectra 320
create this large low-altitude Ox decrease. Since protons of energy 30 MeV penetrate to ~50 km 321
and the three proton flux spectra are normalized to the same value for proton energies 322
>30 MeV, this was not unexpected. This is an indication of the extreme changes possible for 323
the largest SPE, and is a feature not seen in "normal" large SPE, even those with unusually hard 324
spectra [Seppälä et al., 2004, 2008], where the relative SPE-produced NOx increase are 325
insignificant due to the very large background NOx concentrations at these altitudes (Figure 3). 326
4.5 Synthesis 327
The three possible proton spectra representing the Carrington event lead to rather different 328
atmospheric ionization rates (Figure 4), which in turn produce somewhat different responses 329
for the electron number density profiles and neutral atmospheric constituents. There is also 330
some difference in the relative response between the northern and southern hemisphere due to 331
the relative levels of sunlight, either by pre-conditioning the background conditions (e.g., 332
electrons, HOx, NOx), or by driving the direct loss rates (e.g., NOx). In all cases the largest 333
changes occur during the two-pulse solar proton event itself, across the ~12 days in which there 334
is direct SPE forcing. During the period of direct SPE forcing the nature of the change depends 335
somewhat upon the SPE-spectra and hemisphere considered. The first pulse of the SPE leads to 336
changes which are similar to those produced by the largest SPE previously considered, while 337
the second pulse generally drives considerably larger changes. After the period of SPE-forcing 338
has finished there is much less difference in the calculated chemical effects between the 339
different SPE-spectra and hemisphere calculations than the period during the SPE forcing. This 340
is particularly the case for odd oxygen (Ox), likely the most important long-lived change driven 341
by large SPE. In all cases considered here the Carrington SPE produces a significant and 342
unusually strong long-lived Ox decrease (Ox levels drop by ~40%) at ~45 km altitude, i.e. in the 343
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upper stratosphere due to NOx increases. As the nature of this NOx increase does not vary 344
significantly by SPE-spectra or hemisphere, there is relatively little variation in the long lived 345
Ox decrease. 346
Thomas et al. [2007] used ionization rates scaled from the October 1989 SPE to describe the 347
impact of the Carrington SPE upon long-lived ozone levels using a two dimensional 348
atmospheric model. Figure 9 shows the variation in the O3 column above 30 km altitude 349
determined from our calculations, for the three possible Carrington spectra and considering 350
both hemispheres. The maximum decrease in the >30 km O3 column is ~9% for both 351
hemispheres, with the somewhat softer spectra (March 1991) leading to maximum decrease of 352
~7%. As there is no immediate impact of the Carrington SPE upon O3 below 30 km altitude, 353
this 7-9% variation represents all the change in total column O3 which would be produced by 354
the SPE on short-time scales, before transport processes become significant. Transport 355
processes are likely to cause a decent in altitude of the SPE-produced NOx inside the winter 356
pole, leading to larger decreases in Ox and to more significant decreases in column O3. As the 357
one dimensional SIC model does not extend to low altitudes, and does include some significant 358
sources of vertical and horizontal transport, it is not possible to make a direct comparison with 359
the results of Thomas et al. [2007] from their two dimensional model. However, the small 360
differences between the calculated >30 km O3 column indicates the atmospheric response of 361
the Carrington SPE is not strongly dependent upon the spectra, suggesting that the calculations 362
of Thomas et al. [2007] are likely to be reasonable, at least within the overall uncertainties 363
associated with modeling this event. 364
The primary differences between the southern and northern hemispheric runs are due to the 365
very differing levels of sunlight. In order to further test this, and to consider the possible 366
"extreme" effect of the Carrington SPE, we have also undertaken a SIC-modeling run at the 367
southern hemisphere location (70ºS, 0ºE) starting from 15 July, and thus considering a period in 368
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which there is almost no direct solar illumination. While it is complex to directly compare the 369
results of this run with the earlier calculations described above due to the very different 370
background conditions, there are no dramatic differences between the southern hemisphere 371
polar winter run starting 15 July and the run for the actual Carrington event times. The minor 372
differences (not shown) are dependent upon the levels of sunlight, as expected. For example, 373
the NOx loss at ~80 km is very low, such that almost all of the NOx produced by the SPE 374
remains to the end of the modeling run. In addition, the effect of the SPE during the forcing 375
period is more significant, with deeper longer-lived Ox losses from 60-80 km altitude that 376
recover more slowly (lasting 3-4 days more). However, the long-lived Ox decrease at 40-50 km 377
altitude is slightly less significant in the polar night run (decreases of ~40% rather than ~60%). 378
This is because the catalytic cycles of NOx require atomic oxygen to be present, which is only 379
released by photodissociation. While there are numerous minor differences between the polar 380
night runs and the existing southern hemisphere runs, they are small enough that we can 381
conclude the existing northern and southern hemisphere calculations provide a sufficiently 382
accurate indication of the significance of the Carrington-event of 1859. Additional 383
interhemispheric differences will also arise due to differences between the circulation patterns 384
in both hemispheres and their seasonal variability, which is not captured in the existing 1D 385
model used in our study. While this is likely to be significant when considering the long-time 386
scale response, it is unlikely to produce large changes in the calculations as presented. Over 387
time the relative importance of horizontal and vertical transport will increase, processes which 388
are not fully included in the one dimensional SIC model. However, the SIC modeling does 389
allow comparison between the immediate effects of the three different Carrington spectra in 390
either hemisphere. As such, these calculations should also provide a reasonable estimate of the 391
immediate impact of a future Carrington-like event striking the Earth's atmosphere. 392
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5. Effect on HF communication 393
The additional ionospheric ionization caused by solar proton events lead to "polar blackouts", 394
also known as "polar cap absorption (PCA)" events, which are disruptions to HF/VHF 395
communications in high-latitude regions caused by attenuation in the ionospheric D-region 396
[Davies, 1990]. The additional attenuation can make HF communications impossible throughout 397
the polar regions, areas where HF communication is particularly important for the international 398
aviation industry; on some occasions major airlines have cancelled trans-polar flights due to such 399
space weather events [Jones et al., 2005], while the practice of changing the flightpaths to avoid 400
the poles leads to increased fuel consumption. 401
In order to characterize the ionospheric significance of the Carrington-SPE on HF attenuation 402
levels, we consider the variation with time of the Highest Affected Frequency (HAF) during the 403
SPE. The HAF is defined as the frequency which suffers a loss of 1 dB during vertical 404
propagation from the ground, through the ionosphere, and back to ground. Radio frequencies 405
lower than the HAF suffer an even greater loss. Here we determine the HAF by contrasting the 406
SPE-produced electron density changes with those expected from Solar Flares, following the 407
approach outlined in Rodger et al. [2006b]. As an example, an X20 flare, which has peak 0.1- 408
0.8 nm X-ray fluxes of 2.0 mW m-2, produces a HAF of 38 MHz. Flares of this magnitude lead 409
to "extreme" Radio Blackouts, with essentially no HF radio contact with mariners or en-route 410
aviators. NOAA has defined a Space Weather Scale for Radio Blackouts [Poppe, 2000], ranging 411
from R1 describing a minor disruption due to an M1 flare (10 µW m-2 peak 0.1-0.8 nm X-ray 412
flux) to R5 for the extreme blackout case described above. We will employ this scale to provide 413
an indication of the severity of the SPE-induced polar blackouts. 414
Figure 10 shows the HF blackout estimates for the Carrington SPE. The left panels shows the 415
blackouts estimated for the August 1972 spectra, while the right panels are for the March 1991 416
spectra, where the northern hemisphere results are in black and the southern hemisphere results 417
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in red. The HF blackouts estimated for October 1989 are very similar to the March 1991 case, 418
due to the very similar electron density profiles (Figure 5), and hence are not shown in Figure 10. 419
The upper panels of Figure 10 show the equivalent peak X-ray flux in the 0.1-0.8 nm 420
wavelength range which would cause the same ionosphere electron density change during a solar 421
flare, represented using the H' parameter of Wait and Spies [1964]. For both the northern 422
hemisphere and southern hemisphere cases, and both spectra, the SPE-produced disruptions are 423
equivalent to very large equivalent peak X-ray fluxes. For context, there are about 175 solar 424
flares with peak X-ray fluxes of X1 or above per solar cycle (~16 per year), and 8 flares >X10 425
per cycle. The upper panel of Figure 10 also indicates the X45 threshold, representing the largest 426
solar flare peak X-ray flux measured since about 1976 [Thomson et al., 2004; 2005]. In both 427
cases the SPE-produced ionospheric disturbance peaks around the X45 threshold, and is larger 428
than the X10 threshold for ~15.5 hours. In contrast, the X45 flare of 4 November 2003 led to X- 429
ray fluxes which were >X10 for ~20 min [Thomson et al., Fig. 2, 2004]. 430
The lowest panels of Figure 10 presents the Highest Affected Frequency calculated from the 431
equivalent peak X-ray powers following the empirically derived relationship between HAF and 432
solar 0.1-0.8 nm X-ray flux provided by the Space Environmental Forecaster Operations 433
Manual (1997). The NOAA Radio Blackout Scale has been added for comparison. While the 434
peak HAF is smaller for the softer August 1972 spectra, in both cases and hemispheres the 435
Carrington SPE would have produced polar blackouts equivalent to the "Extreme" threshold of 436
the NOAA Radio Blackout Scale for a time period of ~15 hours, and led to some disturbances in 437
polar HF communications for ~11-12 days. While this is long in comparison to most SPE 438
disruptions, it is not wildly larger than the few days of disruption caused by most large SPE- 439
events. As such, the polar communications disruptions associated with the Carrington SPE would 440
not be severe, despite the exceptional nature of the SPE itself. 441
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6. Discussion and Summary 442
The Carrington event of August/September 1859 was the most significant solar proton event 443
(SPE) of the last 450 years, with about four times larger solar proton fluence than the largest 444
event from the "spacecraft era" (August 1972). The space weather event which occurred at this 445
time produced the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history and the first visual 446
observation of a white-light solar flare. Recently, much attention has focused upon increasing 447
our understanding of the Carrington event, in order to better quantify the impact of extreme 448
space weather events. In this study we have used new findings as to the nature of the 449
Carrington event, adopting an intensity-time profile for the >30 MeV solar proton flux, and 450
examining the relative atmospheric response to three different SPE-energy spectra which have 451
previously been used to represent the Carrington SPE. Cosmogenic isotope concentrations have 452
indicated that the Carrington SPE likely had a comparatively soft energy spectrum, for example 453
similar to those measured for the August 1972 or March 1991 SPE, rather than the October 454
1989 SPE spectra sometimes used to model the impact of the Carrington SPE. The Sodankylä 455
Ion and Neutral Chemistry (SIC) model has been used to estimate the impact of the Carrington 456
event to the neutral atmosphere and the ionosphere, and the disruption to HF communication. 457
As seen in the SIC-output plots described in this paper, large changes in electron density and 458
atmospheric constituents occur during the period of SPE-forcing, which depend upon the nature 459
of the spectrum and also on the hemisphere considered. This is particularly significant for the 460
electron density increases. However, the most important SPE-driven atmospheric response is 461
the long-lived Ox decreases in the upper stratosphere (Ox levels drop by ~40% of the normal 462
level). This change does not significantly vary between the 3 spectra, or between the 2 463
hemispheres, due to the very small differences in the long-lived low-altitude NOx increases 464
which produce the Ox decreases. All the three possible Carrington spectra create this large low- 465
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
altitude Ox decrease due to the very large >30 MeV proton fluxes present in the normalized 466
spectra. This is an indication of the extreme changes possible for the very largest SPE, and is 467
not a feature seen previously for "normal" large SPE, even those with unusually hard spectra. 468
We have also characterized the ionospheric significance of the Carrington-SPE on HF 469
attenuation levels. Should a Carrington-level event occur in the current era, it would cause 470
disruptions to HF/VHF communications in high-latitude regions, making HF communications 471
impossible throughout the polar regions for some time. This could have a significant impact on 472
the routing of trans-polar aeroplane travel. The Carrington SPE would have produced polar 473
blackout equivalent to the "Extreme" threshold of the NOAA Radio Blackout Scale for a time 474
period of ~15 hours, and led to some disturbances in polar HF communications over a time 475
period of ~11-12 days, (i.e., during the period of direct SPE forcing). While this is long in 476
comparison to most SPE disruptions, it is not wildly larger than the few days of disruption 477
caused by most large SPE-events. As such, the polar communications disruptions associated 478
with the Carrington SPE would not be particularly severe, despite the exceptional nature of the 479
SPE itself. 480
In general, the atmospheric and ionospheric response is somewhat different between the 481
August 1972 or March 1991 SPE spectra, while the calculations using the March 1991 and 482
October 1989 SPE spectra are very similar to one another. Thus while cosmogenic isotope 483
concentrations from ice-cores indicate that the Carrington-SPE was comparatively soft, the 484
conclusions of previous modeling studies into the atmospheric response of the Carrington SPE 485
which have used rather hard spectra, and specifically the October 1989 SPE spectra, are likely 486
to be reasonable, at least within the overall uncertainties associated with modeling this event. 487
This is particularly important to the conclusions of Thomas et al. [2007], who used ionization 488
rates scaled from the October 1989 SPE to describe the impact of the Carrington SPE upon 489
long-lived ozone levels. These authors concluded that the globally averaged column-ozone 490
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would decrease by as much as 4%, recovering slowly over several years. While this ozone 491
depletion is small in a global sense, it is accompanied by much larger decreases in the poles, 492
with long-lived polar ozone losses which are similar to those calculated in our study. As noted 493
by Thomas et al., even small increases in UVB can be harmful to many life forms. In addition, 494
changes in the chemical balance of the upper and middle stratosphere may be associated with 495
changes in polar winds and temperatures, and may even lead to few degree variations in sea- 496
level temperatures [Rozanov et al., 2005]. 497
Acknowledgments. CJR would like to thank Gillian Rodger of Manchester for her support. 499
PTV and AS are partly funded by the Academy of Finland through project 123275, 500
Thermosphere and Mesosphere affecting the Stratosphere. AS would also like to thank the 501
Academy of Finland for their support of her work through the EPPIC project. 502
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(email: 648
P. T. Verronen, Earth Observation, Finnish Meteorological Institute, P.O. Box 503 (Erik 649
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Table 1. Weibull fitting parameters used in equation 1 to represent the differential SPE fluxes 654
of the Carrington event with the 4 different energy spectra as shown in Figure 1. 655
Date Φ
0 k α
4 August 1972 5.0033 × 1010 0.0236 1.108
29 September 1989 4.5751 × 1011 0.877 0.3841
19 October 1989 4.4280 × 1012 2.115 0.2815
23 March 1991 1.4039 × 1012 0.972 0.441
Figures 659
Figure 1. Comparison between the normalised differential fluences which have been used to 662
describe the Carrington event, based on four previous SPE. The values shown have been 663
normalised to the Carrington-level >30 MeV fluence of 1.9×1010 protons cm-2. [See the online 664
version for the color version of this figure]. 665
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Figure 2. Proton fluxes used to describe the Carrington event SPE. The upper panel shows the 668
>30 MeV intensity-time proton profile [after Smart et al., Fig. 12, 2006]. The lower 3 panels 669
present the different time-varying differential proton fluxes used in this study to describe 670
Carrington-level SPE. [See the online version for the color version of this figure]. 671
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 3. The results of a SIC modeling run without any SPE-forcing (i.e., zero precipitating 674
proton fluxes), showing the calculated "normal" conditions for the northern (left) and southern 675
(right) hemispheres. Units are shown in log10[cm-3]. [See the online version for the color 676
version of this figure]. 677
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 4. Atmospheric ionization rates calculated from the SPE fluxes shown in the lower 3 681
panels of Figure 2, given in units of log10[cm-3s-1]. [See the online version for the color version 682
of this figure]. 683
Figure 5. SPE-driven changes in electron number density determined from the SIC model for 686
the varying SPE spectra, and show as the ratio to the control run (Figure 3). The left panels are 687
for the northern hemisphere, while the right are the southern hemisphere. [See the online 688
version for the color version of this figure]. 689
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 6. SPE-driven changes in odd hydrogen (HOx) determined from the SIC model for the 693
varying SPE spectra, and show as the ratio to the control run (Figure 3). The left panels are for 694
the northern hemisphere, while the right are the southern hemisphere. [See the online version 695
for the color version of this figure]. 696
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 7. SPE-driven changes in odd nitrogen (NOx) determined from the SIC model for the 699
varying SPE spectra, and show as the ratio to the control run (Figure 3). The left panels are for 700
the northern hemisphere, while the right are the southern hemisphere. [See the online version 701
for the color version of this figure]. 702
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 8. SPE-driven changes in odd oxygen (Ox) determined from the SIC model for the 705
varying SPE spectra, and show as the linear ratio to the control run (Figure 3). The left panels 706
are for the northern hemisphere, while the right are the southern hemisphere. [See the online 707
version for the color version of this figure]. 708
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Figure 9. SPE-driven percentage changes in the >30 km altitude O3 total column for varying 711
Carrington SPE spectra. The upper panel shows the changes for the northern hemisphere (NH), 712
while the lower is for the southern hemisphere (SH). [See the online version for the color 713
version of this figure]. 714
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Figure 10. Estimate of the severity of the Carrington-SPE forced HF polar blackout for the 718
August 1972 (left) and March 1991 (right) SPE-spectra. The upper panel shows the equivalent 719
peak X-ray fluxes in the 0.1-0.8 nm range which would cause the same ionospheric change 720
during a solar flare. The lower panel is the Highest Affected Frequency calculated from the 721
equivalent peak X-ray flux. The NOAA Radio Blackout Scale has been added for comparison. 722
[See the online version for the color version of this figure]. 723
The atmospheric impact of the Carrington event solar protons 1
Craig J. Rodger 2
Department of Physics, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand 3
Pekka T. Verronen 4
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland 5
Mark A. Clilverd and Annika Seppälä 6
Physical Sciences Division, British Antarctic Survey (NERC), Cambridge, United Kingdom 7
Esa Turunen 8
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, University of Oulu, Sodankylä, Finland 9
Abstract. The Carrington event of August/September 1859 was the most significant solar 10
proton event (SPE) of the last 450 years, about four times larger than the solar proton fluence of 11
the largest event from the "spacecraft era" (August 1972). Recently, much attention has focused 12
upon increasing our understanding of the Carrington event, in order to better quantify the 13
impact of extreme space weather events. In this study the Sodankylä Ion and Neutral Chemistry 14
(SIC) model is used to estimate the impact of the Carrington event to the neutral atmosphere 15
and the ionosphere, and the disruption to HF communication. We adopt a reported intensity- 16
time profile for the solar proton flux, and examine the relative atmospheric response to 17
different SPE-energy spectra, and in particular, the comparatively soft energy spectrum of the 18
August 1972 or March 1991 SPE which are believed to provide the best representation of the 19
Carrington event. Our calculations indicate that large changes in electron density and 20
atmospheric constituents occur during the period of SPE-forcing, depending upon the nature of 21
the spectrum and also on the hemisphere considered. However, the most important SPE-driven 22
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atmospheric response is an unusually strong and long-lived Ox decrease in the upper 23
stratosphere (Ox levels drop by ~40%) primarily caused by the very large fluxes of >30 MeV 24
protons. This depletion is an indication of the extreme changes possible for the largest SPE. We 25
find that there are comparatively small long-term differences in the atmospheric and 26
ionospheric response between the 3 suggested SPE spectra. 27
1. Introduction 29
The Carrington event of August/September 1859 was the most significant solar proton event 30
(SPE) of the last 450 years, identified through impulsive nitrate events in polar ice [McCracken 31
et al., 2001]. The >30 MeV solar proton fluence determined from the ice cores indicate it was 32
twice as large as the next largest event (1895), and roughly four times larger than the solar 33
proton fluence of the largest event from the "spacecraft era" which occurred in August 1972. 34
The Carrington SPE was associated with the 1–2 September 1859 magnetic storm, the most 35
intense in recorded history [Tsurutani et al., 2003]. The space weather events of 36
August/September 1859 are now particularly famous due to Carrington's visual observation of 37
a white-light solar flare for the first time [Carrington, 1960]. The associated magnetic 38
disturbances produced widespread auroral displays and disruption to telegraph transmissions 39
which attracted much public attention and were widely reported in the newspapers and 40
scientific articles [see the review Boteler, 2006]. 41
Recently, much attention has focused upon increasing our understanding of the Carrington 42
event, in order to better quantify what extreme space weather events could do to our current 43
technological society. For example, estimates suggest a potential economic loss of
(~US$24 billion) caused by a "once a century" single storm similar to the Carrington event 46
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[Odenwald et al., 2006]. These authors estimate that 80 satellites in low-, medium, and 47
geostationary- Earth orbits might be disabled as a consequence of a superstorm event with 48
additional disruptions caused by the failure of many of the satellite navigation systems (e.g., 49
GPS). Ionising radiation doses from the SPE have been estimated to be as high as 54 krad (Si) 50
[Townsend et al., 2003], levels which are not only highly life-threatening for crews of manned 51
missions, but present a significant hazard to onboard electronics. 52
Solar proton events produce large ionization changes in the polar ionosphere which can drive 53
significant changes in atmospheric chemistry and communications disruption. Over the years 54
several studies of Solar Proton Event effects on the atmosphere have been published. The 55
earlier work of Crutzen and Solomon [1980], McPeters et al. [1981], and Solomon et al. [1983] 56
has been followed by several studies, notably the work of Jackman and coauthors [Jackman 57
and McPeters, 1985; Jackman and Meade, 1988; Jackman et al., 1990, 1993, 1995, 2000]. 58
SPEs result in enhancements of odd nitrogen (NOx) and odd hydrogen (HOx) in the upper 59
stratosphere and mesosphere [Crutzen et al.,1975; Solomon et al., 1981; Jackman et al., 1990, 60
2000]. NOx and HOx play a key role in the ozone balance of the middle atmosphere because 61
they destroy odd oxygen through catalytic reactions [e.g., Brasseur and Solomon, 1986, pp. 62
291-299]. Ionization changes produced by a 20 MeV proton will tend to peak at ~60 km 63
altitude [Turunen et al., Fig 3, 2008]. Ionization increases occurring at similar altitudes, caused 64
by solar proton events are known to lead to significant local perturbations in ozone levels 65
[Verronen et al., 2005], with polar ozone levels decreasing by >50% for large SPE. However, 66
the effect on annually averaged global total ozone is considered to be relatively small, of the 67
order of few tenths of a percent at the maximum [Jackman et al., 1996]. Changes in NOx and 68
O3 consistent with solar proton-driven modifications have been observed [Jackman et al. ,2001; 69
Seppälä et al., 2004; Verronen et al., 2005]. It is well-known that particle precipitation at high 70
latitudes produce additional ionization leading to increased HF absorption at high-latitudes 71
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
[MacNamara, 1985], in extreme cases producing a complete blackout of HF communications 72
in the polar regions. 73
In order to consider the impact of the Carrington event solar protons upon the Earth's 74
atmosphere, information on the fluence and energy spectrum of the SPE is required. An 75
estimate of the odd nitrogen increases and ozone decreases due to the Carrington SPE has been 76
undertaken [Thomas et al., 2007], using a Greenland ice core derived >30 MeV fluence of 77
2.7×1010 cm-2 and a spectrum taken from the very energetic and spectrally hard 19 October 78
1989 SPE. The total ionization was distributed over the 2 day duration uniformly (i.e. as a step 79
function), leading to a localized maximum column ozone depletion which was ~3.5 times 80
greater than that of the 1989 event. As noted in this study, the use of the 19 October 1989 81
spectrum to represent the 1859 Carrington SPE was a "best guess" approach, given the total 82
lack of direct proton spectral measurements in that era. 83
Limits on the Carrington event spectrum have been provided by measurements of the 84
cosmogenic isotope 10Be, also found in polar ice cores. Analysis of the 10Be concentrations 85
suggest that the spectral hardness of the Carrington event was significantly softer than those of 86
September-October 1989 SPE [Beer et al., 1990]; any increase in 10Be associated with the 87
Carrington event was found to be less than the 9% standard deviation of the annual data. It has 88
been suggested that the Carrington event may have had an energy spectrum very similar to 89
those measured for the August 1972 or March 1991 SPE [Smart et al., 2006]. The later study 90
also constructed an intensity-time profile of the solar particle flux, by assuming that the 91
Carrington solar event is part of the class of interplanetary shock-dominated events where the 92
maximum particle flux is observed as the shock passes the Earth. 93
In this study we make use of the new findings as to the nature of the Carrington event, 94
adopting both the Smart et al. [2006] intensity-time profile for the >30 MeV solar proton flux, 95
and the softer energy spectrum required to reproduce the cosmogenic isotope concentrations. 96
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We make use of the Sodankylä Ion and Neutral Chemistry (SIC) model to estimate the impact 97
of the Carrington event to the neutral atmosphere and the ionosphere, and the disruption to HF 98
communication. We go on to consider the potential "worst case" significance of a Carrington- 99
level "superstorm". 100
2. Spectrum and intensity-time profile of the Carrington SPE 101
As noted above, cosmogenic isotope concentrations have indicated that the Carrington SPE 102
was significantly softer than those of September-October 1989 SPE. Smart et al. [2006] 103
concluded that either of the comparatively soft SPE energy spectra from August 1972 or March 104
1991 could be representative of that for the Carrington event, given the cosmogenic isotope 105
observations. In contrast, some previous studies into the potential doses to humans and 106
electronics, and the atmospheric impact, have used hard SPE energy spectra, particularly 29 107
September 1989 and 19 October 1989 [see the discussion in Townsend et al., 2006]. In this 108
study we model the SPE spectra using a Weibull distribution, which has been shown to provide 109
an accurate representation of the measured proton spectra for these events [Xapsos et al., Table 110
1, 2000]. The Weibull distribution fit for differential SPE fluxes are described through the 111
expression 112
( ) α α α kE E k
d − Φ =
Φ − exp 1
0 (1) 113
where E is the energy in MeV and Φ
0 , k, and α are the Weibull fitting parameters. k and α are 114
taken from Xapsos et al. [2000], while Φ
0 is scaled to reproduce the >30 MeV proton fluence 115
for the Carrington event (1.9×1010 cm-2 [McCracken et al., 2001]). These values are given in 116
Table 1. The SPE fluxes are expressed with units of protons cm-2s-1sr-1MeV-1. Figure 1 shows a 117
comparison between the differential fluences which have been used to describe the Carrington 118
event, based on four different SPE. The differential fluences shown in Figure 1 have been 119
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normalised to the Carrington-level >30 MeV fluence of 1.9×1010 protons cm-2. As noted by 120
Townsend et al. [2006], both of the SPEs which occurred in 1989 were spectrally hard, and 121
rather similar to one-another. In contrast, the SPEs which occurred in August 1972 and March 122
1991 were much softer, with the August 1972 SPE having an unusually soft spectrum. These 123
two soft-spectra SPEs provide two possibilities through which we can estimate the impact of 124
the Carrington event upon the neutral atmosphere, following the approach of Smart et al. 125
[2006] to treat these as "indicative spectra". The harder spectra from September-October 1989 126
provide an approach by which comparisons can be made with earlier studies, and also an 127
estimate of the possible "extreme" worst-case for a Carrington-level SPE with a hard spectra. 128
As the September and October 1989 SPE have very similar spectra, we arbitrarily select 129
October 1989. Note, however, that the differences between the normalised energy spectra for 130
the two hard SPEs and that of March 1991 are much smaller across the energy range 2- 131
40 MeV. Protons in this energy range deposit most of their energy in the altitude range ~50- 132
85 km [Turunen et al., Fig. 3, 2008], where SPE-induced changes to the neutral atmosphere are 133
largest [e. g., Verronen et al., 2005]. As such, it is instructive to contrast the atmospheric 134
impact of the differing spectra, as this may be less significant than Figure 1 suggests. 135
The upper panel of Figure 2 shows the intensity-time profile for >30 MeV solar proton fluxes 136
during the Carrington event [after Fig. 12, Smart et al., 2006]. This profile is combined with the 137
SPE energy spectra of Figure 1 to produce three different time-varying differential proton 138
fluxes for proton energies of 1-2000 MeV across the time period of the Carrington event, as 139
shown in the 3 lower panels of Figure 2. In those panels the time-varying differential proton 140
flux is shown with units of log10[protons cm-2s-1sr-1MeV-1]. The second and third panels of 141
Figure 2 represent differing possible differential fluxes for the Carrington SPE, while the lower 142
panel represents the "worst case" of a Carrington-level SPE with a hard spectrum. For time 143
periods outside the Smart et al. intensity-time profile, the proton fluxes are set to zero. A 144
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widely accepted SPE definition requires the >10 MeV proton flux to be >10 cm-2s-1sr-1MeV-1. 145
The beginning and end of the time profile shown in Figure 2 are below this level, and thus we 146
have confidence that the fluxes shown in Figure 2 describe the entire SPE event. 147
3. Sodankylä Ion Chemistry Model 148
Using the Sodankylä Ion and Neutral Chemistry (SIC) model we consider the atmospheric 149
consequences of the Carrington SPE using the time-varying proton fluxes from Figure 2. SPE 150
produce ionization increases in the polar mesosphere and upper stratosphere, which in turn alters 151
atmospheric chemistry through changes in HOx and NOx. The SIC model is a 1-D chemical 152
model designed for ionospheric D-region studies, solving the concentrations of 65 ions at 153
altitudes across 20–150 km, of which 36 are positive and 29 negative, as well as 15 minor neutral 154
species. Our study made use of SIC version 6.9.0. The model has recently been discussed by 155
Verronen et al. [2005], building on original work by Turunen et al. [1996] with neutral species 156
modifications described by Verronen et al. [2002]. A detailed overview of the model was given 157
in Verronen et al. [2005], but we summarize the key characteristics of the model here to provide 158
background for this study. 159
In the SIC model several hundred reactions are implemented, plus additional external forcing 160
due to solar radiation (1–422.5 nm), electron and proton precipitation, and galactic cosmic 161
radiation. Solar flux is calculated with the SOLAR2000 model (version 2.27, now the Solar 162
Irradiance Platform, SIP) [Tobiska et al., 2000]. The scattered component of solar Lyman-α flux 163
is included using the empirical approximation given by Thomas and Bowman [1986]. The SIC 164
code includes vertical transport [Chabrillat et al., 2002] which takes into account molecular 165
[Banks and Kockarts, 1973] and eddy diffusion with a fixed eddy diffusion coefficient profile 166
which has a maximum of 1.2×106 cm2s-1 at 110 km. The background neutral atmosphere is 167
calculated using the MSISE-90 model [Hedin, 1991] and tables given by Shimazaki [1984]. The 168
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SIC-models does not calculate temperature variations, leaving these fixed by MSIS. As such no 169
transport driven by adiabatic heating or cooling are included in the SIC results. Such changes in 170
vertical transport have been calculated for large SPE events [Jackman et al., 2007], but were 171
insignificant below 60 km altitudes. In the SIC model transport and chemistry are advanced in 172
intervals of 5 minutes. Within each 5 minute interval exponentially increasing time steps are 173
used because of the wide range of chemical time constants of the modeled species. 174
3.1 Control Run 175
In order to interpret the SPE-driven changes, a SIC modeling run has also been undertaken 176
without any SPE-forcing (i.e., zero proton fluxes), termed the "control" run. The SIC model is 177
run for the northern hemisphere location (70ºN, 0ºE) and southern hemisphere location (70ºS, 178
0ºE) starting on 27 August 1859 and continuing for 24 days. These locations were selected as the 179
geomagnetic cutoff energy is small for sufficiently high magnetic latitudes, such that the proton 180
flux spectra is essentially unaffected by the geomagnetic field, particularly for the mesospheric 181
altitudes of interest. Modeling of the 1850 geomagnetic field suggests there is little change in 182
cutoff rigidities for these locations relative to the modern field [Shea and Smart, Fig. 4, 2006], 183
and hence modern rigidity calculations can be applied [e.g., Rodger et al., 2006a]. In addition, 184
for these locations UT=LT, making interpretation easier. Finally, the northern location is the 185
same as has been used in some previous SIC-modeling studies into SPE-effects [e.g., Verronen 186
et al., 2005; Clilverd et al, 2006; Seppälä et al., 2006], allowing direct comparisons. 187
We assume active solar cycle phase for the SOLAR2000 output (F10.7 = 158.2×10-22 Wm-2Hz- 188
1, F10.7A = 167.7 ×10-22 Wm-2Hz-1), and drive the MSIS model with Ap = 138 based on the 189
mean storm value determined for the Carrington period [Nevanlinna, 2006]. Note that the 190
geomagnetic amplitude index C9 from the St. Petersburg observatory (Russia) reached peak 191
values of 8 and 9 for the times of the two peaks in the SPE fluxes [Nevanlinna, Fig 3., 2006], 192
which will also ensure that the cutoff rigidities are very low for our modeling locations. We 193
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therefore assume that the geomagnetic cutoff energy is zero throughout the calculation for both 194
locations. 195
The results of this no-forcing control SIC-run, shown in Figure 3, represent the calculation of 196
"normal" conditions, and hence allow an indication of the significance of the SPE-driven 197
changes. The top panel of Figure 3 shows the normal diurnal variation in electron number 198
density, the second panel shows HOx number density (H + OH + HO2), the third panel NOx 199
number density (N + NO + NO2), and the lower panel shows Ox (O + O3). We use HOx, NOx and 200
Ox rather than NO and O3 as there are substantial diurnal variations in both the latter populations, 201
which would lead to distracting features in the relative change plots presented below. In all cases 202
these panels have units of log10[cm-3]. 203
The diurnal variation in the constituents is most clearly seen in the electron density and HOx 204
panels of Figure 3, but is much weaker for the NOx and Ox panels. This is because the chemical 205
lifetimes for the NOx and Ox species are relatively long, while the rapid changes taking place 206
during the diurnal cycle occur inside the family of species (i.e. NO2 and NO). There is a gradual 207
change present in the southern hemisphere HOx and NOx panels, due to increasing levels of 208
sunlight caused by the seasonal lengthening of the periods with daytime conditions as seen in the 209
electron density panels. 210
3.2 Proton Forcing 212
Ionization rates are calculated for the three possible representations of the Carrington SPE as 213
described in Verronen et al. [2005], and are shown in Figure 4 with units of log10[cm-3s-1]. As 214
the March 1991 spectrum leads to more high energy protons (>300 MeV) present in the SPE 215
than the August 1972 spectrum, the ionization rates are more significant at lower altitudes 216
(~20 km). However, the Weibull-fitted SPE spectrum for March 1991 also leads to additional 217
lower energy protons (<20 MeV) relative to August 1972, causing the ionization rates to be 218
larger than the August 1972 case for altitudes >~65 km. The hard spectra case (October 1989) 219
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has significant ionization rates present for the lowest altitudes considered in our modeling (at 220
~20 km), where the rates are several orders of magnitude higher than for either of the other 221
spectra. In all cases the first ionization pulse is similar to the peak ionization rates seen for 222
other large SPE events [e.g., Verronen et al., Fig. 1, 2005, Seppälä et al., Fig. 1, 2006], while 223
the second pulse on 2 September 1859 is about one order of magnitude larger. 224
4. Modeling results 225
The ionization rates shown in Figure 4 are used to drive the SIC model. Hence we examine 226
the altitude and time variation in the electron number density and the neutral atmospheric 227
species (e.g., NOx (N + NO + NO2), HOx (H + OH + HO2), and Ox (O + O3)), during the 228
Carrington SPEs. The atmospheric changes modeled in our study mostly occur in the 229
mesosphere and upper stratosphere, as determined by energy spectra of the precipitating 230
protons. In the mesosphere changes in O3 (or Ox) are primarily caused by increases in HOx, 231
although NOx does play some role near 50 km and is important in Ox chemistry in the upper 232
stratosphere. Ionization-produced NOx and HOx leads to the Ox changes as shown in the 233
following figures. 234
4.1 Electron density variation 235
Figure 5 presents the Carrington SPE electron number density changes caused by the three 236
selected SPE-spectra, relative to the control runs shown in Figure 3, shown for the northern 237
hemisphere (left) and southern hemisphere (right) cases. The figure shows the ratio to represent 238
the very large changes which occur. The electron density plots show very large increases 239
during the period of direct SPE-forcing (i.e., 27 August-8 September 1859), with the two pulse 240
time-structure of the SPE clearly seen in the electron density relative changes. The peak 241
electron density changes in the 2nd pulse are roughly one order of magnitude larger than for the 242
1st pulse, as expected from the differences in the SPE forcing. The largest enhancements occur 243
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in the southern hemisphere, which is dominated by night-time ionospheric conditions. The 244
three SPE spectra lead to rather similar electron density increases, of about 103-104 times in the 245
40-100 km altitude range. The primary difference between the 3 spectra considered is between 246
the August 1972 and October 1989 cases below 40 km altitude, to the relative hardness of the 247
spectra. Once the SPE forcing ends, the electron density rapidly returns to normal levels at 248
most altitudes. The exception to this is a long-lived factor of 3-9 increase which occurs at 249
~80 km altitude, caused by the Lyman-α ionization of increased NOx present after the SPE. 250
Note that this electron density enhancement feature does not completely disappear, and is still 251
present 10 days after the end of the SPE forcing. However, we are unable to determine the true 252
recovery time of this enhancement, as it lasts beyond the timescale over which our model runs 253
can be considered realistic. The length of the SIC-run needs to be limited due to the increasing 254
significance of horizontal transport, in addition to vertical transport from adiabatic heating, 255
neither of which are included in the 1D SIC model. In reality, the relatively small electron 256
density enhancement feature is likely to dissipate more rapidly than shown here, due to 257
transport mixing out the long-lived NOx increase. 258
4.2 HOx variation 259
Figure 6 presents the variation of HOx, in the same format as Figure 5. Increases in HOx are 260
only significant around the times of the SPE-forcing, as the lifetime of HOx is very short, and 261
the majority of the SPE-produced HOx rapidly decreases once forcing ends. As in the electron 262
case, the increases appear more significant in the southern hemisphere as the background level 263
of HOx is larger in the daytime than the night (Figure 3). All three spectra lead to peak HOx 264
increases of about one order of magnitude from ~20-85 km, with the two "hard" SPE spectra 265
causing significant HOx increases to the lowest altitudes considered. Order-of-magnitude HOx 266
increases have been seen also during smaller, more recent SPE, one example being the January 267
2005 event [Verronen et al., 2006; Seppälä et al., 2006]. However these high enhancements 268
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have typically been restricted to mesospheric altitudes between 50-80 km. After the forcing, all 269
the SPE spectra produce a long-lived HOx increase of ~40% located around 60-80 km altitudes, 270
present during the nighttime periods. This persistent HOx increase is related to the increase of 271
NO. Larger amounts of NO lead to increased ionization in the D-region, even at night-time 272
because of Lyman-α radiation scattered from the geocorona being an important source of ions. 273
Increased ionization leads to more HOx production through ion chemistry during both day and 274
night. However, this occurs on a relatively low level so that this change is only seen at night 275
when the background production of HOx, which is dependent upon solar radiation, is low. The 276
persistent HOx increase will influence Ox destruction at these altitudes, leading to a long-lived 277
loss. 278
4.3 NOx variation 279
The SPE-produced NOx increases are shown in Figure 7, again in the same format as Figure 5. 280
In this case, the NOx increases are more significant in the northern hemisphere as the 281
background levels of NOx are significantly lower in the sunlight hemisphere (12 times less NOx 282
in the northern hemisphere), and hence the relative NOx increase in the northern hemisphere is 283
~5 times larger than the southern hemisphere. The production rate is the same in both 284
hemispheres, and while the loss rate is larger in the more sunlit northern hemisphere, the 285
relative peak increases are also larger. The faster decay rates in the northern hemisphere due to 286
additional levels of sunlight can be seen in this figure, such that the NOx increases at the end of 287
the SIC modeling period are larger in the southern hemisphere, even though the peak change is 288
larger in the northern. The most significant NOx increases occur from 40-85 km altitude, where 289
the background NOx levels are very low (Figure 3, panel 3). The SPE-produced increases are 290
roughly 100-1000 times the background levels, and thus are much like creating lower 291
thermospheric NOx concentrations at mesospheric altitudes where NOx concentrations are 292
normally very low. Again, there is very little difference between the NOx changes produced by 293
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the March 1991 and October 1989 SPE spectra, while the softer August 1972 spectra leads to 294
11-14 times less NOx around 80 km altitude than for the harder spectra (depending on the 295
hemisphere considered). The NOx produced at altitudes below ~60 km altitudes is very long 296
lived in all conditions as NOx is normally destroyed by solar radiation, which has been largely 297
absorbed at higher altitudes causing very little photodissociation of low-altitude enhancements. 298
Once again, this is an area in which transport needs to be considered, and would be a 299
reasonable topic for a future study. 300
4.4 Ox variation 301
The effect of the HOx and NOx increases on Ox is shown in Figure 8. In this case the relative 302
changes (the ratio between the SPE run and the control run) are shown on a linear scale. During 303
the peak SPE-forcing periods, Ox concentrations drop by 80-90% across an altitude range of 304
50-80 km, with minimum values of 11-13% of the ambient Ox. The two hard spectra 305
representations produce unusually broad Ox decreases stretching over a wider altitude range 306
than seen for most large SPE. For example, the large SPEs which occurred in January 2005 307
produced Ox decreases of about 80% over 70-80 km altitude [Fig2.,Seppälä et al., 2004], while 308
the Carrington SPE is likely to have led to a ~90% decrease over the wider altitude range of 309
~60-80 km. These very large decreases in Ox which occur during the SPE-forcing are caused by 310
HOx. However, this quickly returns to near normal levels at most altitudes (Figure 6) once the 311
proton forcing has finished, after which the mesospheric Ox largely recovers. A long-lived but 312
relatively small nighttime Ox decrease of 5%, at 60-80 km altitude remains after the forcing, 313
caused by the previously identified HOx feature in Figure 6. However, after the SPE forcing 314
there is a significant long lived Ox decrease (Ox levels drop of ~40% when compared with 315
normal levels) at ~45 km altitude, i.e. in the upper stratosphere. This is an unusually large 316
decrease for a direct SPE effect upon these relatively low altitudes and is produced by the long- 317
lived NOx with an order of magnitude increase occurring at ~45 km altitude (Figure 7). The 318
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first pulse in the SPE leads directly to a ~10-20% Ox decrease at these altitudes, which is more 319
typical for very large SPE [e.g. Seppälä et al., 2004]. All the three possible Carrington spectra 320
create this large low-altitude Ox decrease. Since protons of energy 30 MeV penetrate to ~50 km 321
and the three proton flux spectra are normalized to the same value for proton energies 322
>30 MeV, this was not unexpected. This is an indication of the extreme changes possible for 323
the largest SPE, and is a feature not seen in "normal" large SPE, even those with unusually hard 324
spectra [Seppälä et al., 2004, 2008], where the relative SPE-produced NOx increase are 325
insignificant due to the very large background NOx concentrations at these altitudes (Figure 3). 326
4.5 Synthesis 327
The three possible proton spectra representing the Carrington event lead to rather different 328
atmospheric ionization rates (Figure 4), which in turn produce somewhat different responses 329
for the electron number density profiles and neutral atmospheric constituents. There is also 330
some difference in the relative response between the northern and southern hemisphere due to 331
the relative levels of sunlight, either by pre-conditioning the background conditions (e.g., 332
electrons, HOx, NOx), or by driving the direct loss rates (e.g., NOx). In all cases the largest 333
changes occur during the two-pulse solar proton event itself, across the ~12 days in which there 334
is direct SPE forcing. During the period of direct SPE forcing the nature of the change depends 335
somewhat upon the SPE-spectra and hemisphere considered. The first pulse of the SPE leads to 336
changes which are similar to those produced by the largest SPE previously considered, while 337
the second pulse generally drives considerably larger changes. After the period of SPE-forcing 338
has finished there is much less difference in the calculated chemical effects between the 339
different SPE-spectra and hemisphere calculations than the period during the SPE forcing. This 340
is particularly the case for odd oxygen (Ox), likely the most important long-lived change driven 341
by large SPE. In all cases considered here the Carrington SPE produces a significant and 342
unusually strong long-lived Ox decrease (Ox levels drop by ~40%) at ~45 km altitude, i.e. in the 343
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upper stratosphere due to NOx increases. As the nature of this NOx increase does not vary 344
significantly by SPE-spectra or hemisphere, there is relatively little variation in the long lived 345
Ox decrease. 346
Thomas et al. [2007] used ionization rates scaled from the October 1989 SPE to describe the 347
impact of the Carrington SPE upon long-lived ozone levels using a two dimensional 348
atmospheric model. Figure 9 shows the variation in the O3 column above 30 km altitude 349
determined from our calculations, for the three possible Carrington spectra and considering 350
both hemispheres. The maximum decrease in the >30 km O3 column is ~9% for both 351
hemispheres, with the somewhat softer spectra (March 1991) leading to maximum decrease of 352
~7%. As there is no immediate impact of the Carrington SPE upon O3 below 30 km altitude, 353
this 7-9% variation represents all the change in total column O3 which would be produced by 354
the SPE on short-time scales, before transport processes become significant. Transport 355
processes are likely to cause a decent in altitude of the SPE-produced NOx inside the winter 356
pole, leading to larger decreases in Ox and to more significant decreases in column O3. As the 357
one dimensional SIC model does not extend to low altitudes, and does include some significant 358
sources of vertical and horizontal transport, it is not possible to make a direct comparison with 359
the results of Thomas et al. [2007] from their two dimensional model. However, the small 360
differences between the calculated >30 km O3 column indicates the atmospheric response of 361
the Carrington SPE is not strongly dependent upon the spectra, suggesting that the calculations 362
of Thomas et al. [2007] are likely to be reasonable, at least within the overall uncertainties 363
associated with modeling this event. 364
The primary differences between the southern and northern hemispheric runs are due to the 365
very differing levels of sunlight. In order to further test this, and to consider the possible 366
"extreme" effect of the Carrington SPE, we have also undertaken a SIC-modeling run at the 367
southern hemisphere location (70ºS, 0ºE) starting from 15 July, and thus considering a period in 368
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which there is almost no direct solar illumination. While it is complex to directly compare the 369
results of this run with the earlier calculations described above due to the very different 370
background conditions, there are no dramatic differences between the southern hemisphere 371
polar winter run starting 15 July and the run for the actual Carrington event times. The minor 372
differences (not shown) are dependent upon the levels of sunlight, as expected. For example, 373
the NOx loss at ~80 km is very low, such that almost all of the NOx produced by the SPE 374
remains to the end of the modeling run. In addition, the effect of the SPE during the forcing 375
period is more significant, with deeper longer-lived Ox losses from 60-80 km altitude that 376
recover more slowly (lasting 3-4 days more). However, the long-lived Ox decrease at 40-50 km 377
altitude is slightly less significant in the polar night run (decreases of ~40% rather than ~60%). 378
This is because the catalytic cycles of NOx require atomic oxygen to be present, which is only 379
released by photodissociation. While there are numerous minor differences between the polar 380
night runs and the existing southern hemisphere runs, they are small enough that we can 381
conclude the existing northern and southern hemisphere calculations provide a sufficiently 382
accurate indication of the significance of the Carrington-event of 1859. Additional 383
interhemispheric differences will also arise due to differences between the circulation patterns 384
in both hemispheres and their seasonal variability, which is not captured in the existing 1D 385
model used in our study. While this is likely to be significant when considering the long-time 386
scale response, it is unlikely to produce large changes in the calculations as presented. Over 387
time the relative importance of horizontal and vertical transport will increase, processes which 388
are not fully included in the one dimensional SIC model. However, the SIC modeling does 389
allow comparison between the immediate effects of the three different Carrington spectra in 390
either hemisphere. As such, these calculations should also provide a reasonable estimate of the 391
immediate impact of a future Carrington-like event striking the Earth's atmosphere. 392
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5. Effect on HF communication 393
The additional ionospheric ionization caused by solar proton events lead to "polar blackouts", 394
also known as "polar cap absorption (PCA)" events, which are disruptions to HF/VHF 395
communications in high-latitude regions caused by attenuation in the ionospheric D-region 396
[Davies, 1990]. The additional attenuation can make HF communications impossible throughout 397
the polar regions, areas where HF communication is particularly important for the international 398
aviation industry; on some occasions major airlines have cancelled trans-polar flights due to such 399
space weather events [Jones et al., 2005], while the practice of changing the flightpaths to avoid 400
the poles leads to increased fuel consumption. 401
In order to characterize the ionospheric significance of the Carrington-SPE on HF attenuation 402
levels, we consider the variation with time of the Highest Affected Frequency (HAF) during the 403
SPE. The HAF is defined as the frequency which suffers a loss of 1 dB during vertical 404
propagation from the ground, through the ionosphere, and back to ground. Radio frequencies 405
lower than the HAF suffer an even greater loss. Here we determine the HAF by contrasting the 406
SPE-produced electron density changes with those expected from Solar Flares, following the 407
approach outlined in Rodger et al. [2006b]. As an example, an X20 flare, which has peak 0.1- 408
0.8 nm X-ray fluxes of 2.0 mW m-2, produces a HAF of 38 MHz. Flares of this magnitude lead 409
to "extreme" Radio Blackouts, with essentially no HF radio contact with mariners or en-route 410
aviators. NOAA has defined a Space Weather Scale for Radio Blackouts [Poppe, 2000], ranging 411
from R1 describing a minor disruption due to an M1 flare (10 µW m-2 peak 0.1-0.8 nm X-ray 412
flux) to R5 for the extreme blackout case described above. We will employ this scale to provide 413
an indication of the severity of the SPE-induced polar blackouts. 414
Figure 10 shows the HF blackout estimates for the Carrington SPE. The left panels shows the 415
blackouts estimated for the August 1972 spectra, while the right panels are for the March 1991 416
spectra, where the northern hemisphere results are in black and the southern hemisphere results 417
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in red. The HF blackouts estimated for October 1989 are very similar to the March 1991 case, 418
due to the very similar electron density profiles (Figure 5), and hence are not shown in Figure 10. 419
The upper panels of Figure 10 show the equivalent peak X-ray flux in the 0.1-0.8 nm 420
wavelength range which would cause the same ionosphere electron density change during a solar 421
flare, represented using the H' parameter of Wait and Spies [1964]. For both the northern 422
hemisphere and southern hemisphere cases, and both spectra, the SPE-produced disruptions are 423
equivalent to very large equivalent peak X-ray fluxes. For context, there are about 175 solar 424
flares with peak X-ray fluxes of X1 or above per solar cycle (~16 per year), and 8 flares >X10 425
per cycle. The upper panel of Figure 10 also indicates the X45 threshold, representing the largest 426
solar flare peak X-ray flux measured since about 1976 [Thomson et al., 2004; 2005]. In both 427
cases the SPE-produced ionospheric disturbance peaks around the X45 threshold, and is larger 428
than the X10 threshold for ~15.5 hours. In contrast, the X45 flare of 4 November 2003 led to X- 429
ray fluxes which were >X10 for ~20 min [Thomson et al., Fig. 2, 2004]. 430
The lowest panels of Figure 10 presents the Highest Affected Frequency calculated from the 431
equivalent peak X-ray powers following the empirically derived relationship between HAF and 432
solar 0.1-0.8 nm X-ray flux provided by the Space Environmental Forecaster Operations 433
Manual (1997). The NOAA Radio Blackout Scale has been added for comparison. While the 434
peak HAF is smaller for the softer August 1972 spectra, in both cases and hemispheres the 435
Carrington SPE would have produced polar blackouts equivalent to the "Extreme" threshold of 436
the NOAA Radio Blackout Scale for a time period of ~15 hours, and led to some disturbances in 437
polar HF communications for ~11-12 days. While this is long in comparison to most SPE 438
disruptions, it is not wildly larger than the few days of disruption caused by most large SPE- 439
events. As such, the polar communications disruptions associated with the Carrington SPE would 440
not be severe, despite the exceptional nature of the SPE itself. 441
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6. Discussion and Summary 442
The Carrington event of August/September 1859 was the most significant solar proton event 443
(SPE) of the last 450 years, with about four times larger solar proton fluence than the largest 444
event from the "spacecraft era" (August 1972). The space weather event which occurred at this 445
time produced the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history and the first visual 446
observation of a white-light solar flare. Recently, much attention has focused upon increasing 447
our understanding of the Carrington event, in order to better quantify the impact of extreme 448
space weather events. In this study we have used new findings as to the nature of the 449
Carrington event, adopting an intensity-time profile for the >30 MeV solar proton flux, and 450
examining the relative atmospheric response to three different SPE-energy spectra which have 451
previously been used to represent the Carrington SPE. Cosmogenic isotope concentrations have 452
indicated that the Carrington SPE likely had a comparatively soft energy spectrum, for example 453
similar to those measured for the August 1972 or March 1991 SPE, rather than the October 454
1989 SPE spectra sometimes used to model the impact of the Carrington SPE. The Sodankylä 455
Ion and Neutral Chemistry (SIC) model has been used to estimate the impact of the Carrington 456
event to the neutral atmosphere and the ionosphere, and the disruption to HF communication. 457
As seen in the SIC-output plots described in this paper, large changes in electron density and 458
atmospheric constituents occur during the period of SPE-forcing, which depend upon the nature 459
of the spectrum and also on the hemisphere considered. This is particularly significant for the 460
electron density increases. However, the most important SPE-driven atmospheric response is 461
the long-lived Ox decreases in the upper stratosphere (Ox levels drop by ~40% of the normal 462
level). This change does not significantly vary between the 3 spectra, or between the 2 463
hemispheres, due to the very small differences in the long-lived low-altitude NOx increases 464
which produce the Ox decreases. All the three possible Carrington spectra create this large low- 465
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altitude Ox decrease due to the very large >30 MeV proton fluxes present in the normalized 466
spectra. This is an indication of the extreme changes possible for the very largest SPE, and is 467
not a feature seen previously for "normal" large SPE, even those with unusually hard spectra. 468
We have also characterized the ionospheric significance of the Carrington-SPE on HF 469
attenuation levels. Should a Carrington-level event occur in the current era, it would cause 470
disruptions to HF/VHF communications in high-latitude regions, making HF communications 471
impossible throughout the polar regions for some time. This could have a significant impact on 472
the routing of trans-polar aeroplane travel. The Carrington SPE would have produced polar 473
blackout equivalent to the "Extreme" threshold of the NOAA Radio Blackout Scale for a time 474
period of ~15 hours, and led to some disturbances in polar HF communications over a time 475
period of ~11-12 days, (i.e., during the period of direct SPE forcing). While this is long in 476
comparison to most SPE disruptions, it is not wildly larger than the few days of disruption 477
caused by most large SPE-events. As such, the polar communications disruptions associated 478
with the Carrington SPE would not be particularly severe, despite the exceptional nature of the 479
SPE itself. 480
In general, the atmospheric and ionospheric response is somewhat different between the 481
August 1972 or March 1991 SPE spectra, while the calculations using the March 1991 and 482
October 1989 SPE spectra are very similar to one another. Thus while cosmogenic isotope 483
concentrations from ice-cores indicate that the Carrington-SPE was comparatively soft, the 484
conclusions of previous modeling studies into the atmospheric response of the Carrington SPE 485
which have used rather hard spectra, and specifically the October 1989 SPE spectra, are likely 486
to be reasonable, at least within the overall uncertainties associated with modeling this event. 487
This is particularly important to the conclusions of Thomas et al. [2007], who used ionization 488
rates scaled from the October 1989 SPE to describe the impact of the Carrington SPE upon 489
long-lived ozone levels. These authors concluded that the globally averaged column-ozone 490
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would decrease by as much as 4%, recovering slowly over several years. While this ozone 491
depletion is small in a global sense, it is accompanied by much larger decreases in the poles, 492
with long-lived polar ozone losses which are similar to those calculated in our study. As noted 493
by Thomas et al., even small increases in UVB can be harmful to many life forms. In addition, 494
changes in the chemical balance of the upper and middle stratosphere may be associated with 495
changes in polar winds and temperatures, and may even lead to few degree variations in sea- 496
level temperatures [Rozanov et al., 2005]. 497
Acknowledgments. CJR would like to thank Gillian Rodger of Manchester for her support. 499
PTV and AS are partly funded by the Academy of Finland through project 123275, 500
Thermosphere and Mesosphere affecting the Stratosphere. AS would also like to thank the 501
Academy of Finland for their support of her work through the EPPIC project. 502
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Table 1. Weibull fitting parameters used in equation 1 to represent the differential SPE fluxes 654
of the Carrington event with the 4 different energy spectra as shown in Figure 1. 655
Date Φ
0 k α
4 August 1972 5.0033 × 1010 0.0236 1.108
29 September 1989 4.5751 × 1011 0.877 0.3841
19 October 1989 4.4280 × 1012 2.115 0.2815
23 March 1991 1.4039 × 1012 0.972 0.441
Figures 659
Figure 1. Comparison between the normalised differential fluences which have been used to 662
describe the Carrington event, based on four previous SPE. The values shown have been 663
normalised to the Carrington-level >30 MeV fluence of 1.9×1010 protons cm-2. [See the online 664
version for the color version of this figure]. 665
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 2. Proton fluxes used to describe the Carrington event SPE. The upper panel shows the 668
>30 MeV intensity-time proton profile [after Smart et al., Fig. 12, 2006]. The lower 3 panels 669
present the different time-varying differential proton fluxes used in this study to describe 670
Carrington-level SPE. [See the online version for the color version of this figure]. 671
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 3. The results of a SIC modeling run without any SPE-forcing (i.e., zero precipitating 674
proton fluxes), showing the calculated "normal" conditions for the northern (left) and southern 675
(right) hemispheres. Units are shown in log10[cm-3]. [See the online version for the color 676
version of this figure]. 677
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 4. Atmospheric ionization rates calculated from the SPE fluxes shown in the lower 3 681
panels of Figure 2, given in units of log10[cm-3s-1]. [See the online version for the color version 682
of this figure]. 683
Figure 5. SPE-driven changes in electron number density determined from the SIC model for 686
the varying SPE spectra, and show as the ratio to the control run (Figure 3). The left panels are 687
for the northern hemisphere, while the right are the southern hemisphere. [See the online 688
version for the color version of this figure]. 689
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 6. SPE-driven changes in odd hydrogen (HOx) determined from the SIC model for the 693
varying SPE spectra, and show as the ratio to the control run (Figure 3). The left panels are for 694
the northern hemisphere, while the right are the southern hemisphere. [See the online version 695
for the color version of this figure]. 696
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 7. SPE-driven changes in odd nitrogen (NOx) determined from the SIC model for the 699
varying SPE spectra, and show as the ratio to the control run (Figure 3). The left panels are for 700
the northern hemisphere, while the right are the southern hemisphere. [See the online version 701
for the color version of this figure]. 702
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 8. SPE-driven changes in odd oxygen (Ox) determined from the SIC model for the 705
varying SPE spectra, and show as the linear ratio to the control run (Figure 3). The left panels 706
are for the northern hemisphere, while the right are the southern hemisphere. [See the online 707
version for the color version of this figure]. 708
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Figure 9. SPE-driven percentage changes in the >30 km altitude O3 total column for varying 711
Carrington SPE spectra. The upper panel shows the changes for the northern hemisphere (NH), 712
while the lower is for the southern hemisphere (SH). [See the online version for the color 713
version of this figure]. 714
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Figure 10. Estimate of the severity of the Carrington-SPE forced HF polar blackout for the 718
August 1972 (left) and March 1991 (right) SPE-spectra. The upper panel shows the equivalent 719
peak X-ray fluxes in the 0.1-0.8 nm range which would cause the same ionospheric change 720
during a solar flare. The lower panel is the Highest Affected Frequency calculated from the 721
equivalent peak X-ray flux. The NOAA Radio Blackout Scale has been added for comparison. 722
[See the online version for the color version of this figure]. 723
Monday, November 16, 2009
1994: US Air Force Launches Top-Secret ‘Holographic Projector’ Research Program
According to a 1999 Washington Post website report, the US Air Force starts a research program this year to develop a “holographic projector” as a psychological warfare weapon. Holograms are three-dimensional images created by laser technology. The US military explored the idea of using holograms during the 1991 Gulf War to deceive the Iraqis, but did not pursue it for technical reasons. One idea was to project a hologram of Allah several hundred feet in size over Baghdad, but this would take a mirror in space more than a mile square, plus huge projectors and power sources. Additionally, there are strict Islamic proscriptions on the depiction of Allah. However, the US military did not abandon the concept. “The Gulf War hologram story might be dismissed were it not the case that [the Post] has learned that a super secret program was established in 1994 to pursue the very technology for PSYOPS [psychological operations] application. The “Holographic Projector” is described in a classified Air Force document as a system to “project information power from space… for special operations deception missions.” A 1996 study commissioned by a US Air Force panel called “Air Force 2025” shows how a future “Airborne Holographic Projector” might look like. In this illustration, a virtual aircraft is created to deceive the enemy as to the size and location of attacking forces.
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